The town has initiated this study to build on and advance the recommendations in the Stormwater Master Plan to improve overall drainage conditions in the area. In addition, the town aims to assist Halton Region with reducing infiltration into the region’s sanitary sewer system. It is believed that water is entering the region’s sanitary sewer system by indirect infiltration and not directly from the town’s stormwater system. By improving stormwater drainage in the area identified by the region for sanitary sewer replacement work starting in 2025, less water will infiltrate public and privately owned sanitary sewage infrastructure, reducing the potential risk of overloading the region’s sanitary infrastructure in the area.
Project file now available for public review
The project file has been prepared to document the planning and decision-making process for this study. The project file is being placed on the public record for a 45-day review period from and including September 16, 2024, to October 31, 2024. Special accommodations to view hard copies will be determined on an as needed basis. Interested persons may provide written comments by October 31, 2024 by following the instructions specified in the Notice of Completion.
Saville Area Stormwater System Improvement Environmental Study Report (PDF)
Study area and background
The study area is defined by the direction of stormwater flowing on land and in sewers through the Saville area. The focus of the study is on improving drainage within town-owned lands located north of Rebecca Street as this is the area identified by the region for sanitary sewer replacement.
Within this study area, the town’s stormwater system and the region’s sanitary sewer system were designed and constructed as separate systems. This design continues to be used today in new subdivisions as it minimizes the potential for stormwater to enter the region’s sanitary sewer system.
Detailed inspections by the region and the town have confirmed that there are no direct connections between the town’s stormwater system and the region’s sanitary sewer system.
Related documents

A diagram illustrating separated storm and sanitary sewer systems representative of those within the study area.
This study will follow the planning and design process as defined in the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2023) as a Schedule B project.
Aquafor Beech Limited is the town’s consultant for this study.
Project timeline and progress
There are four phases to this project:
- Phase one – Problem definition
- Phase two – Development and review of options
- Phase three – Preferred alternatives selection and preliminary design
- Phase four – Preparation of environmental study report
As of the beginning of August 2023, key tasks in Phase 1 have been completed including:
- Background review and problem identification
- Data gap analysis and GIS analysis
- Drainage characterization and field-based driveway culvert assessment of Saville Crescent area
- Topographic survey
- Desktop geotechnical Investigation
- Desktop review of nature environment, culture heritage and archeological screening
- Existing condition hydrologic and hydraulic modelling review
As of the end of June 2024, key tasks in Phase 2 have been completed including:
- Development of Evaluation Criteria
- Identification and Evaluation of Alternative Solutions
- Conceptual Design of Alternatives
- Public consultation
Key tasks in phase three have been completed including:
- Refining evaluation of alternatives, and preferred alternative selection based on public feedback and other evaluation criteria as per the Municipal Class EA process
- Preliminary functional design for the preferred alternative
As of September 2024, key tasks in phase four have been completed including:
- Preparation of the final Environmental Study Report
- Agency consultation and coordination
Saville Area Stormwater System Improvement Environmental Study Report
As part of the town’s Saville Area Stormwater System Improvement Study, the study team has conducted site visits to inspect the ditches, culverts and obtained topographic survey data which were used to assess current conditions and opportunities for interim improvements.
Select areas north of Rebecca Street were reviewed to explore opportunities to improve drainage by means of operation and maintenance prior to the completion of the study and construction. The following short-term options were reviewed:
- Localized regrading of poorly drained ditches
- Cleaning of driveway culverts obstructed by debris
- Other works
Through this analysis, a section of ditches in the vicinity of Saville Cres. and Seaton Dr. was identified to benefit from re-ditching and cleaning of culverts with heavy sedimentation. This work was completed during the week of September 11, 2023
Halton Region successfully completed smoke testing on the sanitary sewer system from Oct 16 to 19, 2023 in the Saville area. The smoke testing identified a number of potential private-side direct stormwater connections to the region’s sanitary sewer system and other private sewer lateral deficiencies which are contributing to the high infiltration and inflow within the Saville area sanitary sewer system.
As a next step, the region will be working with individual homeowners to identify and implement corrective measures to remove these direct connections and fix deficient private side infrastructure.
Public engagement opportunities
Past public meetings
May 8, 2024 - Site meeting
On May 8, 2024, a site meeting was held with residents living in the vicinity of Seabrook Park to gather feedback on the preliminary proposed stormwater management pond at Seabrook Park.
Open the Seabrook Park Site Meeting Notice
March 20, 2024 - Public information meeting
On March 20, 2024 we held a public information meeting to discuss long-term improvements to the Saville area stormwater system. This meeting fulfilled the mandatory public engagement requirements as set out in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process.
The PIC covered project problems/opportunities, existing conditions, alternative solutions, and preliminary preferred alternative solutions.
Read The March 6 PIC Public Notice
May 10, 2023 - Resident meeting
On May 10, 2023, a resident meeting was hosted jointly by the town and Halton Region to discuss flooding concerns and present background information.
Additional information
The town owns over 660,000 metres of stormwater pipe which generally last 70 to 80 years. The average age of pipes in the town’s network is currently 30 years old. The town’s asset management plan includes a storm sewer inspection, maintenance and renewal program, which aims to keep the storm sewer pipe system in a state of good repair. CCTV camera inspections are performed annually on a percentage of the storm sewer system that is over 30 years old. The CCTV camera inspections provide a structural condition rating and an operation and maintenance condition rating which help to identify maintenance and rehabilitation needs for the 10-year capital plan.
The specific pipe lengths/areas to be inspected are determined on an annual basis based on their age and location.
- A full ZOOM camera inspection of the area was completed in 2013 as part of the Storm Sewer Master Plan.
- Storm sewer pipes in the Saville area range in age from 40 to 60 years old and are generally in good operational condition.
- The Sandlewood Road storm sewer was CCTV video inspected in 2021. The pipes were confirmed to be in good operational condition.
- The Scarsdale Crescent storm sewer was CCTV video inspected in 2022. The pipes were confirmed to be in good operational condition.
- Additional CCTV inspections were completed in April 2024.
Wastewater backups
For information on wastewater backups in homes:
- Visit the Taking Action – Wastewater (Sewage) Backups in Homes page on the Halton Region website, or
- Call 311.
- Adapting to Climate Change
- Community Climate Action
- Environmental Projects & Studies
- East Morrison Creek Erosion Mitigation Study
- Fourteen Mile and McCraney Creek Flood Mitigation Opportunities Study
- Joshuas Creek Flood Mitigation Study
- Lower Morrison and Lower Wedgewood Creek Flood Mitigation Study
- Saville Area Stormwater System Improvement Study
- Shorewood Promenade Shoreline Rehabilitation
- South Shell Park Shoreline Rehabilitation
- Health Protection & Air Quality
- Light Pollution Guidelines
Contact information
If you have any questions or concerns about the study, please contact:
Jing Liu
Water Resources Engineer
905-845-6601 ext. 3234