Transportation Master Plan

A blueprint for future transportation improvements in Oakville with an emphasis on building a more walkable, cycleable and transit-friendly community.

A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a document that creates a long-term vision for a community. A TMP provides recommendations for guidelines, policies, programs and infrastructure improvements.

Oakville’s current TMP looks at all modes of transportation including public transit, active transportation and ride-sharing along with strategic roadway improvements to ensure the safe, convenient and efficient movement of people and goods.

Updates underway in 2025

The town is undertaking a new study which will serve as an update to the 2018 Transportation Master Plan and 2017 Active Transportation Master Plan. The process will use the Urban Mobility and Transportation Study as lens to develop a new plan to accommodate growth to 2051. The TMP will be completed in 2025.

The updated TMP will focus on building walkable, cycle and transit friendly neighbourhoods integrated with accessible transportation choices for all residents. The TMP will recommend a comprehensive, updated set of guidelines to enhance the town’s transportation system to address the needs of all stakeholders and establish a path forward for all modes of transportation to support Oakville’s vision to be a vibrant and livable community for all.

Study timeline

Review Policy framework and study context.

Imagine system solutions for transportation in Oakville.

Watch the presentation recording or review the slides from the public information session held on June 18, 2024:

Public Information Centre #3

Public Information Centre #4

Project completion

Expected outcomes

  • Identify short, medium, and long-term action items for transportation infrastructure (e.g., roads, sidewalks, bike lanes etc.)
  • Recommend implementation plans for the town’s transportation system 
  • Solutions will be guided by an integrated and collaborative consultation and engagement approach
  • Over the next 30 years, the town’s population is projected to grow from approximately 214,000 people in 2021 to 442,000 to 2051. 
  • Kids, youth and seniors ride free on Oakville Transit
  • Oakville displays real-time parking availability
  • Over 400,000 daily trips are generated by the town, of which 58 per cent stay within Oakville. The transit mode share was approximately 8.3 per cent (including school bus trips) in 2016. Oakville’s sustainable mode share target for transit is 12 per cent (Source: Oakville’s Urban Mobility & Transportation Strategy, 2021).