Town trees
Street trees
The town’s Urban Forestry section is responsible for the selection, location and planting of street trees in assumed subdivisions. Forestry choses species that are best suited to the area and growing conditions to ensure the tree lives as long as possible.
For new subdivisions north of Dundas Street, the developer is responsible for the planting of street trees, and the species and location are determined in consultation with the town.
The trees planted on your street were carefully chosen to provide shade, windbreaks and privacy; attract birds and wildlife; and beautify your neighbourhood. The town asks residents to water street trees on the house side of the sidewalk. All other street trees will be watered by town staff.
All street trees located on municipal property are protected by town by-laws.
After residents move into a subdivision it may take up to three years for trees to be planted. The town cannot plant trees in areas of a subdivision that are still experiencing road construction and sod laying by the developer. Initial tree planting is completed by the developer and it is their responsibility to maintain until the assumption process is complete.
Planting takes place in the spring and fall of each year (after the sod is laid by the builder, for new subdivisions). The spacing and location of the trees vary and not every address receives a tree due to space limitations, diversity of soil, tree species availability, and utility obstructions such as lights, hydro poles or stop signs. All streetscape designs are approved by Council.
The Urban Forestry section is responsible for planting trees in established neighbourhoods. Replacement trees are planted in areas where previously existing trees and their stumps have been removed and in areas where there is available growing space. In some cases, the town cannot replace trees due to site limitations.
Trees must be planted at least six metres from one another.
For more information, or to request a municipal tree, contact ServiceOakville at 905-845-6601.
This program allows residents to plant a larger tree on their private property (front yard), than the town could plant on municipal property in front of their house. The town will contribute $300 towards a larger tree for the resident to purchase and plant themselves in a location approved by the town.
If you do not have a town tree in front of your house, and you would like to request a larger replacement tree to plant on your property instead of on town property, please send the completed Street Tree Partnership Application Form (pdf) and signed Street Tree Partnership Agreement (pdf) to ServiceOakville at
Woodland Regeneration
We're helping our woodlands regrow after the impact of Emerald Ash Borer and other invasive plants. While natural regeneration will account for most of the regrowth in the woodlands, portions of select sites have been identified for enhanced and/or intensive regeneration and replanting.
The type and amount of regeneration for each area are determined by a silvicultural prescription, a document written by a Registered Professional Forester that describes the best forest management plans for the site. A silvicultural prescription takes into consideration the woodland's characteristics, history and health, location and accessibility, density of invasive plants, and new growth potential.
The removal of invasive plants, such as buckthorn, is an important part of regeneration activities as it provides growing space for newly planted trees and increases the success of native tree growth. Areas identified for regeneration are monitored and tended for up to five years to encourage successful growth, by mulching, watering, installing rodent protection and replanting as necessary.
Regrowth occurs naturally from seeds, root suckers, and sprouting stumps. Logs, branches and wood debris are left on the forest floor to decompose, nourish the soil, and aid in the natural regrowth of shrubs and trees. In woodlands, natural regeneration is the most common method of regrowth. These areas are left alone to regrow and do not require any additional work.
Where ash trees comprised more than half of the forest canopy, and where there is little young growth of other trees, enhanced regeneration is used to encourage the establishment of native species. This includes buckthorn control and strategically planted trees where they are most likely to grow and survive unaided.
Where there is significant buckthorn infestation and/or little opportunity for natural regeneration, regrowth is aided by intensive planting and maintenance. Up to 2,400 trees and shrubs per hectare (1,000 per acre) are planted and include a variety of species and sizes from seedlings to larger saplings.
- Preserve Woods
- Buttonbush Woods
- Manor Parkette
- East Joshua Creek Trail – 2
- Sheridan Valley Park North
- Neyagawa Woods
- Arbourview Woods
For more information about each regeneration site, search the site name including the numbers listed above, on the Street and Park Trees map.
Private trees
You can help grow Oakville’s tree canopy by planting a tree on your property or taking part in a community planting event.
Thinking about planting a tree on your property? There are many trees that are native to Southern Ontario and well-suited to local conditions.
For a list of native species and planting tips, visit the Ontario Tree Atlas.
A newly planted tree on clay soils (typically found in Oakville north of the QEW) with a diameter of six cm (2.4 inches) will need about 45 litres (10 gallons) of water every 10 to 14 days. Take the amount of rainfall into account when planning your watering schedule, and check the Halton Region website for water restriction information.
Trees on sandy soils (typically found in Oakville south of the QEW) need twice as much water as trees on clay soils, and should be watered every five to seven days. Apply water slowly into a berm of mulch spread at the edge of the planting hole. Move the mulch berm out as the tree grows.
Help keep your trees healthy by following these tips:
- Water slowly, deeply and less often using a soaker hose or sprinkler to encourage your tree's roots to grow deep and protect it from drought.
- Use wood chips and mulch at the base of the tree — they protect the tree from damage and reduce water loss by allowing water and nutrients to enter the soil more easily.
- Mulch wide, not deep (a 2-4 inch layer is ideal). More than four inches may cause problems with oxygen and water levels. Allow for a 1-2 inch mulch-free area around the trunk of the tree. Mulch packed up against the trunk of the tree can cause the tree to rot at the base.
- Keep lawnmowers and string trimmers away from tree trunks to avoid damaging the bark, which can eventually kill a tree.
- Do not excavate around the base of your tree — you can easily damage the tree’s small feeder roots at the surface of the lawn.
- Do not pile soil or grass clippings over mulch or woodchips.
- Maintain a healthy lawn.
- Garbage & Recycling
- Environment
- Adapting to Climate Change
- Community Climate Action
- Environmental Projects & Studies
- East Morrison Creek Erosion Mitigation Study
- Fourteen Mile and McCraney Creek Flood Mitigation Opportunities Study
- Joshuas Creek Flood Mitigation Study
- Lower Morrison and Lower Wedgewood Creek Flood Mitigation Study
- Saville Area Stormwater System Improvement Study
- Shorewood Promenade Shoreline Rehabilitation
- South Shell Park Shoreline Rehabilitation
- Health Protection & Air Quality
- Light Pollution Guidelines