The Health Protection Air Quality By-law 2010-035 (pdf), requires that an application for approval by a proposed or existing facility with a major health-risk air pollutant emission be posted for public comment for 30 days prior to the meeting when the application will be considered by Town Council.
For more information about emission reduction strategies, calculations, reporting or applications, please contact
Fine particulate matter
Negligible quantity requiring submission: 1 kilogram per year
Potential emission sources:
- Combustion from stationary and vehicular sources
- Unpaved roads
- Processes generating dust
- Chemical formation from precursors
Oxides of nitrogen
Negligible quantity requiring submission: 10 kilograms per year
Potential emission sources:
- Combustion from transportation sector
- Utilities
- Other industrial processes
Sulphur dioxides
Negligible quantity requiring submission: 10 kilograms per year
Potential emission sources:
- Combustion from transportation sector and utilities
- Industrial processes such as petroleum refining, cement and concrete manufacturing
Negligible quantity requiring submission: 10 kilograms per year
Potential emission sources:
- Nitrogen or oxides of nitrogen reduction processes for wastewater treatment plant or power plant
- Other industrial processes
- Agricultural activities
Volatile organic compounds
Negligible quantity requiring submission: 10 kilograms per year
Potential emission sources:
- Combustion from stationary and vehicular sources
- Fuel refilling
- General solvent use
- Industrial processes such as paint/coating application
- Petroleum refining
- Plastics manufacturing
- Food processing
- Agricultural activities
- Wood processing and burning
A key element in the HPAQB is to offer public access to health-risk air pollutant emission data for Oakville.
Under the by-law, facilities in Oakville that emit above the negligible quantity of any health-risk air pollutant are required to submit an emission report to the town.
Under the by-law, if a facility emits at least one health-risk air pollutant in a non-negligible quantity, its owner or operator needs to report the emission to the town.
Information reported will be maintained in a database of health-risk emissions from across Oakville. Facilities only need to report their emissions once unless they change.
Approval by Council
The second level of requirement is an approval from Council of facilities that cause a “major emission” of a health-risk air pollutant. A major emission is an emission of one or more health risk air pollutants that exceed the levels established under the HPAQB.
Under the by-law, proposed or existing facilities that produce a major emission are required to submit to an approval process. The process involves assessment of health impacts from emissions and implementation of regulatory controls where necessary.
Facilities receiving approval under the HPAQB are required to submit a report of the actual emissions of health risk air pollutants from their facility to the town. They must submit a report annually for three years following approval and then for an additional period of time, determined by the town.
The reporting and approval requirements under the HPAQB apply to existing and proposed facilities. A fee of $25,000 is assessed to facilities submitting approval applications for major emissions for the administrative and peer review costs associated with these applications. There is no fee for facilities addressing only the reporting requirement.
Applications and information
For more information about the by-law, emissions calculation and approval requirements, or to receive reporting forms, please email
Major emission thresholds
- Directly emitted fine particulate matter: More than 300 kilograms per year
- Volatile organic compounds: More than 10,000 kilograms per year
- Nitrogen oxides: More than 20,000 kilograms per year
- Sulphur dioxide: More than 20,000 kilograms per year
- Ammonia: More than 10,000 kilograms per year
Approved major emitters
Under the by-law, the following facilities were deemed to be major emitters and received approval from the town.
New Oakville Hospital Third Line and Dundas Street
New facility, approved on October 29, 2012
- Application Part One (pdf), Part Two (pdf), and Part Three (pdf)
- Peer review report (pdf)
- Applicant’s response (pdf)
- Peer addendum review report (pdf)
Dufferin Construction Company, Bronte Asphalt Plant, 731 Third Line
Existing facility, approved on November 18, 2013
- Application (pdf)
- Peer review report (pdf)
- Applicant’s response (pdf)
- Peer addendum review report (pdf)
Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd., Oakville Assembly Complex, The Canadian Road
Existing facility, approved on November 18, 2013
- Application (pdf), Supplement to application (pdf)
- Peer review report (pdf)
- Applicant’s response (pdf)
Suncor Energy Production Partnership Inc., Oakville Distribution Terminal, 3275 Rebecca Street
Existing facility, approved on November 18, 2013
- Application (pdf)
- Peer review report (pdf)
- Applicant’s response (pdf)
- Peer addendum review report (pdf)
Greif Bros. Canada Inc., Oakville Facility, 165 Wyecroft Road
Existing facility, approved on March 31, 2014
- Application (pdf), Supplement to application (pdf)
- Peer review report (pdf)
- Applicant’s response (pdf)
If you are experiencing technical difficulties or have questions regarding the process, please contact Jeffrey Lee 905-845-6601, ext. 3149 or email
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- Joshuas Creek Flood Mitigation Study
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- South Shell Park Shoreline Rehabilitation
- Health Protection & Air Quality
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