This is Oakville
Our residents
- 233,700 people live here as of 2024. In 2023, the population was 231,000.
- 36 per cent of Oakville residents grew up speaking a language that isn’t English
- 81 per cent of residents have a post-secondary degree
- 42 per cent of residents are a member of a visible minority
Our town
- 250 kilometres of active recreational trails
- 1,501 kilometres of on/off road cycling and sidewalks
- 1,826 hectares of parklands
- More than 1 million square feet of recreation and culture space
- Three business improvement areas
- 35,147 businesses
(data as of December 31, 2023)
Get to know us
Founded in 1857, Oakville's heritage is preserved and celebrated by residents and visitors. This vibrant lakeside community of 233,700 residents within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) has become one of the most coveted residential and business centres in Ontario, thanks to:
- Great neighbourhoods
- Places to do business
- Quality schools
- A full-service acute care community hospital
- Proximity to Lake Ontario, parks and trails
- Access via QEW, 403, 407 and GO Transit
- Commercial and shopping districts in downtown Oakville, Kerr Village and Bronte Village
The town provides all the advantages of a well-serviced urban centre, while maintaining a small-town feel. Along historic downtown streets, Oakville offers a mix of converted 19th century buildings which host over 400 fine shops, services and restaurants.
Entertainment and leisure
A 30-minute drive from downtown Toronto, Oakville is an easy to access destination for visitors.
Residents and visitors can enjoy performances at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts or explore the Oakville Museum, located in the home of Oakville’s founding family. Other points of interest include galleries, shopping and restaurants, and local architecture, especially in heritage neighbourhoods.
Discover the acres of park spaces and kilometres of hiking trails or enjoy programs for all ages at a community centre. The town's two picturesque harbours with docks and slips for sail and powerboats provide a haven for boaters.
Oakville's strong and diversified economic base offers an excellent location for both new and expanding businesses. National and international corporate headquarters in the town represent automotive, technology, business service, aerospace, pharmaceutical and tourism sectors.
Quality of life
People who live here are proud of the quality of life this community has to offer. In a recent survey of residents, 80 per cent said Oakville is a better place to live than anywhere else in the GTA.