Certain activities require road corridor permits if taking place on the municipal right-of-way.
Municipal right-of-way which refers to land owned by town including road allowances, public walkways, municipal services (such as public parking lots listed with the Parking Lot By-law) or public utilities.
Learn more about the Municipal Right of Way By-law.
Also see the Use of Municipal Right of Ways and Municipal Parking Lots Policy, and the related procedures:
- Driveway Permits Procedure
- Encroachment Agreement Permits Procedure
- Excavation Permits Procedure
- Newspaper Box Permit Procedure
- Temporary Occupation Permits Procedure
- Oversize/Overweight Vehicle on a Municipal Right of Way Procedure
Rates and fees
For permit and agreement fees, see the current year’s Transportation and Engineering – Right of Way Management Rates and Fees Schedule on the Rates and Fees page.
Activities requiring a road corridor permit
Development Engineering Permits are required for:
- Excavation - utility road cuts, service connection road cuts, and boreholes
- Driveway (curb modification) - new and modification
- Commercial/multi-residential driveway (curb modification) – multiple residential and non-residential new and modification
- Temporary street occupation - minor and major
How to apply for a Development Engineering Permit
Before starting a development engineering permit application, all applicants should understand the requirements.
Posting a-frame signs on the municipal right-of-way requires a permit.
If you wish to place an A-frame sign within the municipal right of way in the BIA to advertise for your business, please use the form below to apply for an A-frame Sign Permit.
A-Frame Sign On Municipal Road Allowance Application
For all other signs, within the municipal right of way or on private property, visit our Sign Permit page to learn how to get your sign permit.
The Town of Oakville's unique charm has made it a growing destination for directors, producers and location managers. With scenic natural assets, historic neighbourhoods and architecture, the town is a picturesque backdrop for the film and television industry.
Visit our Filming in Oakville page to find requirements for filming requests.
If you are requesting to place a newspaper box in the municipal right of way, a Newspaper / Media Box Permit is required.
An Outdoor Display permit is needed when...
If you wish to have a display or items in front of your business within the municipal right of way, that are not for sale, such as Adirondack chairs, flower pots, or a statue, please use the form below to apply for an Outdoor Display Permit.
Outdoor Display: Temporary Encroachment on Municipal Property application
If you wish to place merchandise in front of your business within the municipal right of way for sale, such as merchandise, clothing, flowers, produce, or food items, please use the form below to apply for a Display Merchandise Permit.
Display Merchandise: Temporary Encroachment On Municipal Property Application
If you plan to move an oversize/overweight vehicle on municipal roads in Oakville you will require a permit if the dimensions or weight of your vehicle and load combined exceed the limits set out in the Highway Traffic Act.
Permits are available for both single move and annual permits.
Single move application to move oversized objects or structures
Yearly move application to move oversized objects or structures
If you are applying for a Patio Permit for your restaurant business in one of the BIAs, please visit the Patio Permit for more information.
Please note that other permits and fees may be required to accompany your Patio Permit, such as for an outdoor display, a display merchandise, or occupying an on-street parking stall.
Refer to our Rates and Fees page to check the current year’s Transportation & Engineering – Right of Way Management Rates and Fees Schedule for the applicable fees.
If you are requesting to close a road or one direction of a road, for authorized construction activities, a Temporary Street Occupation (TSO) permit is required, in addition to a Road Closure Permit. Both permits are processed under one application through the online Portal.
Application must be submitted three weeks in advance of the start of the close closure.
Both permits are processed under one application through our Online Service for Development Engineering Permits.
Municipal facilities make great venues for your next special event.
If you are planning a special event that will take place at a municipal facility please visit our Event Planning page for more information.
For events that will take place on municipal roads or within the municipal right of way, please submit a Special Event on Municipal Right of Way Permit application.
Special Event on Municipal Right-of-Way Permit Application Form
A special event application will be required for all special events in Oakville.
You might be interested in one of our other application types:
- Building applications including building permits and building inspections requests
- Development Engineering (DENG) permit applications for private property and the municipal right-of-way
- Park permits including gate and park access permits
- Planning and development applications, including Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Plan of Subdivision and Plan of Condominium.
- Zoning applications, including Zoning Certificates of Occupancy and Holding By-law Removals
- Transportation & Roads Studies and Plans
- Environmental Assessment Studies
- Traffic Studies & Plans
- Transportation Master Plan
- Active Transportation Master Plan
- Bronte Village Streetscape Study
- Kerr Village Streetscape Study
- Lakeshore Road West Design and Reconstruction Project
- Downtown Transportation and Streetscape
- Urban Mobility and Transportation Study
- Taxis & Limos
- Road Corridor Permits
- Oakville Transit