Use of Municipal Right of Ways and Municipal Parking Lots Policy

Policy statement

The Town of Oakville (town) may facilitate the use and occupation of its municipal right of ways and municipal parking lots where appropriate and consistent with town By-laws, procedures and other applicable legislation, through the issuance of permits for approved activities.


The purpose of this policy is to provide for the establishment of procedures for the temporary shared or exclusive use of municipal right of ways and municipal parking lots. Procedures and conditions specific to each permitted use shall be developed and address public safety, traffic egress and ingress and the availability of the proposed location in conjunction with other approved town activities or other uses of the municipal right of way or municipal parking lot.


This policy applies to the use and/or occupation of all or part of any of a municipal right of way or municipal parking lot, under the jurisdiction of the town.


Municipal Right of Way – for the purpose of this policy and related procedures means lands owned by the Corporation of the Town of Oakville as opened or unopened road allowances, or for the purposes of operating a public highway under the Municipal Act, a public walkway, municipal services or public utilities, but excludes town lands owned or operated as parkland, creeks and watercourse, and related public trail systems.

Municipal Parking Lots - for the purpose of this policy and related procedures means lands owned by the Town of Oakville for the purposes of operating a public parking lot and as listed within the Parking Lot By-law.


Municipal Rights of Way By-law, as amended
Municipal Right of Way Activity Permit By-law, as amended
Parking Lot By-law, as amended
Municipal Access Agreement
Zoning by-law, as amended