Saville-Seaton Area Storm Drainage Improvement Project

Implementation of the approved EA options to correct drainage deficiencies and improve overall drainage in the area.

The Saville Area Stormwater System Improvement Study was completed in September 2024 and the options identified are being implemented to correct drainage deficiencies and improve overall drainage in the Saville-Seaton area.

The work will take place over two years to align with the Region of Halton’s construction timeline, identified in the map below.

Improvements will include the regrading of the swales in the areas affected, the replacement/regrading and cleaning of driveway culverts as needed, and improvements to the existing storm sewer system to improve the drainage of surface water.

Tender package A

Work in the area marked in red, is expected to be completed in 2025. 

These streets include Sherin Drive, Tennyson Drive, Vickery Drive, Salisbury Drive, Wakely Street, the south portion of Seaton Drive, Sabel Street and the easement connecting Vickery Drive and Rebecca Street. 

The Region of Halton will be improving portions of the water and wastewater mains along these roadways. 

Tender package B

Work in the area marked in yellow, is expected to be completed in 2026. 

These streets include Bridge Road, Trafford Crescent, Saxon Road, Saxon Drive, Seabrook Drive, Swann Drive, the north portion of Seaton Drive, Saville Crescent and Scarsdale Crescent.

The Town of Oakville, in conjunction with The Region of Halton, will be improving the surface drainage routes (driveway culverts and the roadside ditches) along with upgrading and adding to existing portions of the storm sewer system. 

The proposed Region of Halton works will include improvements to portions of the water and wastewater mains along the same roadways.