Purpose statement
This procedure outlines the oversize/overweight vehicle permit process and shall address public safety, traffic egress and ingress and the availability of the proposed location in conjunction with other approved Town of Oakville (town) activities or other uses of the right of way.
This procedure applies to the permitting of oversize/overweight vehicles on a municipal right of way under the jurisdiction of the town including utility companies that have entered into a Municipal Access Agreement (MAA).
Permits and approval for oversize/overweight vehicles on the municipal right of way shall be issued by the Transportation and Engineering department and shall comply with all applicable by-laws, policy and regulations.
1. Application for a permit
1.1 Applications for a permit to operate an oversize/overweight vehicle on a municipal right of way must be submitted to the Director not less than five business days in advance of the proposed moving date1.2 All permit applications shall include information that the Director may from time to time request, in the prescribed format, including any or all of the following:
- a completed application in the form prescribed by the Director;
- the applicable permit fee(s) as set out in the town’s current rates and fees schedule;
- a certificate of general liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage with the town named as additional insured or co-insured as per the town's general liability Insurance Requirements Procedure;
- an indemnity in favour of the town from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings that arise out of, or are attributable to the construction/occupation, which shall be in a form satisfactory to the Director of Transportation and Engineering;
- proof that the applicant has contacted Hydro One, Metrolinx and the Canadian National Railway regarding clearance and installations along the approved route, if applicable.
- Report for loading and height clearance at bridge crossings may be required at the discretion of the Director.
2. Permit regulations
2.1 The Director may impose any conditions on the permit restricting the work as deemed necessary.2.2 The town may cancel its permission for the oversize/overweight vehicle at any time without advance notice.
2.3 The carrier shall be liable for any damage to public or private property that may occur as a result of the move(s).
3. Permit expiry and cancellation
3.1 An oversize/overweight vehicle permit issued under the Municipal Right of Way By-law, as amended, shall be valid for the duration specified on the permit, or until the 31st of December, whichever is the earlier, after which it is deemed expired to the town unless the permit is renewed prior to expiry.
Director, for the purpose of this procedure, means the Director of the Transportation and Engineering Department of the Town of Oakville or their designate.Oversize/Overweight Vehicle – dimensions and weight of the vehicle to be in accordance with MTO regulations (Highway Traffic Act)