The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) regulates the sale, service and consumption of alcohol.
To obtain an application for the sale or service of alcohol, contact the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario. As part of the completion of your application, you may be required to notify and/or obtain clearance from the Town of Oakville for liquor sales licence, temporary liquor licence extension, and special occasion permit.
The appropriate notification is required at least 30 days prior to your event.
The Clerk’s department assists applicants by completing the Municipal Information Form as part of the licence application. Staff circulate the information to Council Members and departments to collect comments that may be addressed in a response back to the applicant and the AGCO.
Contact the Clerk's department by phone (905-815-6015) or email for further inquiries.
To process your Municipal Information Form (MIF) follow the steps below:
- Provide the Municipal Information Form with the top portion completed.
- Provide drawings of your establishment - see sample drawing (pdf). They can be hand drawn, but must show the following:
- Where your business is located – cross streets
- Where alcohol will be served or consumed – include dimensions of the serving area (floor plan)
- If you are serving liquor on a patio – include dimensions and location of the patio
- Provide payment of $100, payable by cheque, debit, MasterCard, Visa, American Express (cash will not be accepted).
- We will circulate the application to:
- Town and Regional Councillors of the ward in which the establishment is located;
- Halton Regional Police; and
- Various departments within the town
- Completed form and letter will be submitted directly to AGCO and a copy will be emailed to you.
The application process could take up to 30 days to complete.
Applicants must contact the following for Agency Letters of Approval required by the AGCO;
- Building Services: Liquor Building Compliance Report (pdf),
- Fire Services: 905-338-4404,
- Health Department - Region of Halton - 1151 Bronte Road: 905-825-6000,
Effective January 1, 2023, the Alcohol and Gaming Corporation of Ontario (AGCO) granted the municipalities the authority to consider and approve temporary outdoor extensions of licensed premises for up to eight months in a calendar year. For further information on this policy change, please visit the AGCO website.
To apply for the town's approval to extend your liquor licensed area onto a temporary outdoor extension, please complete the Temporary Liquor Licence Extension application (pdf). Further information requirements and sample drawings (pdf) are outlined on the application form.
The Clerk's department reviews and circulates applications to town staff, Members of Council and other government agencies.
Anyone wishing to use municipal property to operate a patio is required to obtain a permit providing a temporary encroachment on municipal property from the Town of Oakville prior to installation. For further information please visit the Patio Permit page.
Special Occasion Permit applications are available through the AGCO. The Clerk’s department reviews notification for special occasion permits (SOP) for outdoor events. Staff circulate the information to Town Council, departments and outside government agencies to collect comments that may be addressed in a response back to the applicant and the AGCO. For detailed information on applying for a Special Occasion Permit see the AGCO Special Occasion Permit Application Guide.
Notification of outdoor special occasion public events may be submitted by email to the Town Clerk with the following information:
- organization's name
- address
- contact person
- date of the event
- number of people invited or expected
- times when alcohol will be served
- food supplier
- will a tent be set up
- will there be music, and the source; and
- drawing showing the proposed area - see sample drawing (pdf)
To obtain a Special Occasion Permit for the sale and service of alcohol at special occasions such as a public event that is not conducted by a registered charity or not for profit entity, the event must be designated as a municipally significant event. An event of municipal significance requires a letter from the Town Clerk designating the event as "municipally significant". Your notification letter must include reason why the event should be deemed as significant. A fee of $50 applies, payable by cheque, debit, MasterCard, Visa, American Express (cash will not be accepted).
Applicants are reminded to notify the following agencies as part of the SOP application.
- Fire Services - 905-338-4404,
- Health Department - Region of Halton, 1151 Bronte Road: 905-825-6000,
- Halton Regional Police Service - 2485 North Service Road West: 905-825-4777,
- Clerk’s department: 905-815-6015,
- Municipal Information Form - $100
- Special Occasion Permit - $50
- Temporary Liquor Licence Extension - $50 (as of January 1, 2025)
Fees payable by cheque, debit, MasterCard, Visa, American Express (cash will not be accepted).
More information
For information on our role as a governing agency, please contact the Clerk's department, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, call 905-815-6015, or send an email to
For further information about liquor licence packages or approvals, please contact the AGCO.
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