Request enforcement
To report a by-law infraction, call ServiceOakville at 905-845-6601 or submit a service request for parking enforcement or excessive noise, or to report a coyote encounter.
Be prepared to provide a brief description of your concern including the address you are concerned about, business name (if applicable), and any contact information including your name, address and telephone number or email address.
For emergency police, fire and ambulance assistance, dial 911.
Escalated enforcement fees
Council approved an escalating fee scale for violations and order fees. The implementation of escalating penalties and fees enhances progressive enforcement options available to officers by addressing issues related to vacant or neglected properties.
Issues often arise the have a negative impact on neighbour relations but no by-law has been broken.
In these cases where mediation may assist in resolving the issue, visit the Community Conflict Resolution Services of Halton (CCRS Halton) website.
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