The Town of Oakville is committed to being an inclusive workplace and community where everyone feels they belong. Inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility not only benefits employees and residents, but the overall success and sustainability of our organization and the community.
The town's Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Multi-Year Plan was approved by Council at its meeting on April 29, 2024. Thank you to the community for working with us to develop the plan. We look forward to working with you to implement it.
- Final Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Multi-Year Plan, 2024-2028 (pdf)
- Council meeting agenda: April 29, 2024
The IDEA Multi-Year Plan outlines the actions we will take over the next five years to be a more inclusive Oakville. The plan includes four goals that support the town’s objective to be an inclusive workplace and community where everyone feels they belong:
- Goal 1: Foundational – drive the objective. Be accountable for incorporating IDEA in all areas of the organization.
- Goal 2: Internal – attract and retain people. Cultivate a work environment that is diverse, inclusive, safe and one where staff feel respected and valued.
- Goal 3: Community – listen to, engage and serve the community. Reflect our inclusive culture throughout the range of services we provide to our community.
- Goal 4: Sustainability – communicate, track and measure. Align and connect our IDEA
A report on progress to implement the plan will be presented to Council in early 2025 and will be available on the town’s website.
- The town’s 2024 - 2029 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan was approved by Council on October 21, 2024. Visit the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan page to learn more.
- The multi-year IDEA plan supports the Town of Oakville Council Strategic Plan and 2023-2026 Action Plan. Visit Council’s Strategic Plan page to learn about the actions that will be taken to ensure Oakville is a vibrant and livable community for all.
- The Oakville Universal Design Standards Version 3.0 (pdf) provides an innovative and detailed approach for the design of barrier free and accessible town facilities. Visit the Accessibility and Inclusion page to learn more.
What we accomplished in 2023
- The town, with CCDI Consulting, developed it's draft Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Multi-Year Plan and presented it to Council at its meeting on December 18, 2023.
- Staff sought feedback on the draft plan from the community from December 2023 to January 31, 2024.
What we accomplished in 2022
- The town worked with CCDI Consulting to conduct an assessment of the town’s current state, including gathering workplace demographics, capturing inclusion sentiments in the town’s workforce and community, and undertaking a comprehensive policy review. A summary of these findings (pdf) was shared with Council at its meeting on August 9, 2022 and staff, including opportunities the town can explore that will lead to a more inclusive workplace and community.
- The town announced it was developing its first inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility multi-year plan.
What we accomplished in 2021
- The town began a partnership with CCDI Consulting to create the Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan outlined in the Inclusion Initiatives Update (item 4) in the January 25, 2021 Council meeting agenda.
- Expanded staff Inclusion Advisory Group
- Initiated staff-led diversity, equity and inclusion improvements
- Researched best practices for diversity and inclusion
- Worked with CCDI Consulting to undertake a policy review to further support inclusion in the workplace and community and conduct an organization-wide maturity evaluation based on Global Diversity and Inclusion Benchmarks
- Developed a public engagement plan and held discussions with residents, community groups, residents associations and businesses about town programs and services, communications, emerging issues and employment with an inclusion lens.
- Staff presented the town’s annual accessibility status update to the Accessibility Advisory Committee
Learn more:
- Town of Oakville Inclusion Lens (pdf)
- Halton Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Charter (endorsed by Town Council)
- Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion
- Labour Relations Update
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Want to know more? We would love to hear from you! Please contact:
Kim Leite
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
905-845-6601, ext. 6093