Browse drop-in swimming schedules
Try one of our new Sensory Swims!
Enjoy a lower participant capacity and more relaxing environment during select drop-ins. Oakville Trafalgar Community Centre now offers a sensory-friendly community swim on Thursdays.
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Narrow down your results even further by entering keywords like "length swim" and then selecting the location, etc. before clicking on the search tool (magnifying glass). Results can be sorted by activity ("Event Type"), date or time. Choose the number of items you’d like to display and print your list as a landscape page for best results.
Visiting our swimming pools
Indoor pools
- Glen Abbey Community Centre - 1415 Third Line
- Iroquois Ridge Community Centre - 1051 Glenashton Drive
- Closure notice: Iroquois Ridge pool closure starting January 2025
- Oakville Trafalgar Community Centre - 325 Reynolds Street
- Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre - 2302 Bridge Road
- White Oaks Pool - 1330 Montclair Drive
Outdoor pools
All outdoor pools are currently closed for the season.
The following are open seasonally (weather permitting):
- Lions Outdoor Pool - 159 Felan Avenue
- Bronte Outdoor Pool - 2184 Hixon Street
- Brookdale Outdoor Pool - 1215 Bridge Road
- Falgarwood Outdoor Pool - 1349 Gainsborough Drive
- Wedgewood Outdoor Pool - 351 Cairncroft Road
For more information about our indoor and outdoor swimming pools, visit the Pools page.
Single-visit swimming
Individual recreational swimming admission fees:
- $4.16 plus tax for seniors (65+) and children/youth
- $5.20 plus tax for adults (18+)
- $3.74 plus tax per person for a group of five or more people
Individual Waterfit admission fees:
- $10.35 plus tax for seniors (65+) and youth
- $12.94 plus tax for adults (18+)
Personal support workers assisting individuals in a program are admitted at no charge and are not required to register. For more information, please speak to a Customer Service Representative at your local recreation and culture facility.
10-visit passes, 90-day and annual memberships are also available. Visit the Memberships page for details.
Supervision requirements
Swimmers must meet the requirements of the following admission standards to be granted entrance into any pool:
Stop! Ages 0-6
- Children age six and under may not enter the swimming pool unless they are accompanied by a guardian 14 years of age or older.
- The guardian is responsible for their direct supervision and must be in the water and able to assist immediately.
- Two children per guardian (ages 14+) or up to four children per guardian if all children wear life-jackets.
Caution. Ages 7-9
- Children age seven to nine who are non-swimmers must be accompanied by a guardian 14 years of age or older.
- The guardian is responsible for their direct supervision and must be in the water and able to assist immediately.
- Two children (non-swimmers) per guardian (ages 14+) or up to four children (non-swimmers) per guardian if all children wear life-jackets.
- Children age seven to nine who can successfully pass the facility swim test may enter the pool unsupervised. Swimming with a buddy is strongly recommended.
OK! Ages 10+
- Children age 10 years or older may enter the pool area unsupervised. Swimming with a buddy is strongly recommended.
Swim testing
To successfully pass the Facility Swim Test, individuals must demonstrate comfort in the water and be able to swim on their front for a minimum of two widths of the pool continuously in shallow water.
Deep end admittance
Children who do not pass the swim testing but still want to go into the deep end must wear a lifejacket and be accompanied by a guardian (ages 14+). One guardian may take up to four non-swimmers in lifejackets into the deep end.
Water slide admittance policy
Riders at Iroquois Ridge pool must be a minimum height of 107 centimetres (also recommended that riders can swim the width of the pool). Lifejackets, tubes, toys or any other devices are not permitted on the slide.
Pool admission policy
Pay the posted admission fee before entering the pool deck area.
- Any parents/guardians on the pool deck as spectators pay the regular admission fee due to lifeguard ratio requirements, whether they swim or not.
- Parents/guardians in the pool gallery as spectators are not part of swim ratio and do not have to pay.
Medical conditions
Individuals with seizure disorders or other serious medical conditions should be accompanied by an individual knowledgeable of their condition and responsible who can provide immediate assistance if needed.
Children that pass the Facility Swim Test can swim on their own.
Strollers are not permitted on our sanitized decks, except for the Outdoor Pool decks.
Swimming sober
Anyone under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs will not be allowed into the facility and consumption of these substances is not permitted on the pool deck or in the facility.
Capacity limits and waitlists
Each pool will have their own capacities depending on configuration.
Walk-ins are welcome as space permits.
If you pre-book, you must arrive within 15 minutes of the program start time or your spot may be offered to those waiting.
You can be added to the waitlist for a program that is full if the option is available. If a spot opens for that activity or additional sessions are added in advance, you will be contacted by email. If you do not respond within 48 hours, your spot will be offered to the next person on the waitlist.
Health and wellness
If you are sick or feeling unwell, please stay at home. Anyone displaying symptoms will not be admitted.
- Do not visit the pool when ill, or have experienced diarrhea in the past week.
- Prevent pool fouling. All swimmers are encouraged to visit the washroom before entering the pool.
- Ensure children who are not toilet trained wear swim diapers made for swimming. These are available for purchase at the customer service desk.
Wear appropriate swimming attire that is different from the clothing worn to the facility.
- Clothing should be light weight fabric and free from rips/tears, rivets, dangling strings, denim and zippers.
- Bottoms must cover the buttocks area and must not be see-through.
- Bring clean flip flops or sandals to wear on the pool deck. Street shoes are not permitted on the pool deck.
Bring your own reusable drinking containers. Only water in plastic bottles are permitted on the pool deck.
Patrons aged seven (7) years or older should use the changeroom corresponding to their gender identity.
Children aged six (6) years and under are allowed to accompany their parent or caregiver into the changeroom, regardless of gender.
All swimmers must shower thoroughly using warm water and soap before entering the pool per Ontario Pool Health Regulation 565.
First Aid
Staff will follow all revised CPR and First Aid treatment processes, as amended by the Lifesaving Society in our safety guidelines. On-deck First Aid treatment stations will be established for outdoor pools.
Swimming lessons
Spectators are asked to remain in the viewing areas.
Parents are permitted in the water for Parent and Tot lessons only.
Swimmers must bring their own goggles.
Use of pool equipment will be at the discretion of the lifeguards.
Lifejackets will be available but participants are encouraged to bring their own. Equipment for lessons, Leadership and Waterfit classes will be available.
Swimmers must bring their own equipment such as goggles and towels.
Schedules are subject to change and cancellations will be posted on site.
Length Swims
Open to all ages.
Lanes will not be put out for Leisure Swims.
During Length Swims, lanes will be divided into slow, medium and fast. Please use the lane appropriate for your speed and accommodate other swimmers as needed.
All swimmers must be able to swim continuously for a minimum of 25 metres. No water walking/jogging will be permitted.
Short breaks (i.e. drinking water, adjusting goggles) are allowed in the pool.
Outdoor swimming
Outdoor pools close during thunderstorms and refunds will be issued as applicable. Rain days are non-refundable as our outdoor pools remain open.
Coaching or teaching
Coaching or teaching — including structured guidance, instruction, or any transactional training services — is not permitted during drop-in or reserved recreational programs. While casual pointers or tips are allowed, they must remain informal and incidental to recreational activities, without resembling ongoing instruction. Town staff may use discretion in determining whether an activity qualifies as teaching or is simply informal assistance.
Only Town of Oakville staff, approved partners, and clients paying the commercial/CORE/residential rental rate are permitted to provide formal lessons or personal training services in our facilities.
Length Swims are open to all ages. All swimmers must be able to swim continuously for a minimum of 25 metres. Water walking and jogging are not permitted. Aquatic staff will monitor lane activity and may ask you to switch lanes if they determine another lane is more suitable. Please be patient and understanding of swimmers' diverse abilities and paces. Lanes will not be set up for Leisure Swims.
Lane speed
During length swims, lanes will be divided into slow, medium and fast. Please use the lane appropriate for your speed and accommodate other swimmers as needed. Remember, skill level and speed are subjective. Watch other swimmers already in the pool to help determine which lane is best for you. You may swim in the fast lane one day and in the medium lane the next, depending on who else is in the pool with you.
The speed label is only a guideline. If you find that you are being passed frequently by others in your lane, kindly move to a slower lane once you finish your lap at the end of the pool. If you need to pass, do so safely without physical contact.
Sharing lanes
If the pool is busy, choose a less crowded or slower lane. When sharing a lane, it is essential to give your fellow swimmers adequate space. Never push off the wall when another swimmer is approaching to turn.
Short breaks (for drinking water, adjusting goggles etc.) are allowed in the pool at the wall.
Entering and exiting
Before you start swimming, check the sign at the end of the lane for swim direction information. If you are unsure, ask an aquatic staff member or lifeguard for guidance. Wait for a clear path before entering. Always enter the lane at the end of the pool, never from the side. Be mindful of incoming swimmers to not impede their turns.
Respect others
Certain strokes require more space than others. For example, butterfly and breaststroke use wide movements, increasing the chance of hitting or kicking someone if you are sharing a lane. If you choose to swim these strokes, be very aware of others around you and time your strokes to avoid colliding with oncoming swimmers.
Registration notes
If you are unable to attend the swim within the first 15 minutes, please refrain from registering as this prevents others from joining a fully booked swim. Simply drop-in later and you will be permitted once there is capacity in the pool.
We are committed to removing barriers to participation. Universal changerooms are fully-accessible spaces that provide everyone with dignity and privacy.
Rules for the universal changerooms
- Patrons are required to remain clothed unless in a private change cubicle or bathroom stall.
- No nudity is permitted in open areas.
- All lockers within the universal changeroom are day-use only.
- Photography and video recording are strictly prohibited.
- Ensure that all personal belongings are secure at all times. The Town of Oakville is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
- Please report any suspicious activities to a staff member immediately.
- Please be respectful of those around you and the facility.
Change cubicles
A change cubicle is a private stall in which patrons can change their clothes. The private stall cubicles and washroom stalls can all be locked.
A variety of sizes of cubicles are available to accommodate individuals as well as multi-gender families and anyone needing support from a caregiver. Cubicles partitions have been designed for safety and privacy, while open at the top to allow for appropriate air circulation.
Washroom stalls
Washroom stalls range from single-user spaces to larger ones that can facilitate adults with caregivers.
Common area amenities
The common areas include shared amenities such as lockers, rinse stations, sinks and counter space, mirrors, and wall-mounted hair dryers.
Acceptable attire when in the open spaces of the universal changeroom
Patrons must be fully clothed or wearing swimsuits (one or two-piece suits and swim trunks/board shorts) outside of private cubicles, private showers and washroom stalls. Nudity or undergarments (boxers, briefs, fashion bra, and underwear) are unacceptable in open spaces.
Shower etiquette
All swimmers must shower thoroughly using warm water and soap before entering the pool per Ontario Pool Health Regulation 565. A swimsuit is required when using the open showers before or after your swim as nudity is strictly prohibited in shared spaces.
Bringing a support person, changeroom for people with limited mobility
Within a universal changeroom, patrons can be assisted by a family member or support worker regardless of gender.
Accessible changerooms are available for patrons requiring additional support. Features include an adult change table and support bars, as well as extra room for a support person and mobility aids.
Entering the universal changeroom with someone who is of a different gender/sex
The universal changeroom is designed to allow for use by anyone regardless of gender. Private change cubicles, private showers, and washroom stalls are also available.
Benefits of universal changerooms
The universal changeroom design enables the following:
- Creating an accessible space for community members of all ages, abilities and gender identities.
- Greater accessibility and caregiver accommodation.
- Families can stay together to assist with changing.
- Access for school groups, daycare and summer camps to meet supervision requirements.
- Improved monitoring and user safety.
- Optimal use of space.
The universal changerooms are designed with safety and inclusiveness in mind. Features include:
- Private change cubicles.
- Open vestibule (no nudity) showers for patrons who are using the pools.
- Private washroom stalls.
- Accessible private change cubicles.
- Lockers (includes full, half- and quarter-lockers), all of which are day-use only.
- Baby change stations.
- Adult change table located in the private accessible changeroom.
Visit our Registered Programs page for:
- Creating an online account
- Registration help
- Missed classes and refunds
- Browsing swimming lessons and aquatics programs
Visit the Program Guidelines page for information about registration timelines.

Need help?
For registration assistance Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., contact us: