Registered Programs

Enjoy great recreation, arts and culture programs year-round. Sign up today!

Spring and summer camp registration is now open!

Enjoy great recreation, arts and culture programs year-round. Sign up today!

Registration will open on Tuesdays moving forward

We launched registration for spring programs and summer camps on Tuesday, February 25 instead of a Wednesday this year. This small change will avoid any potential disruptions caused by our vendor's regular Wednesday software maintenance schedule.

Get active and creative with us!

Browse spring programs and summer camps online now

We offer registered programs for your favourite activities like swimming, skating, camps, fitness, sports (pickleball, badminton, basketball, volleyball etc.), culture (woodworking, ceramics etc.) and so much more!

Create your account to access recreation and culture programs and services. If you do not have an email address, prefer to register over the phone instead of online, or need assistance, please call 905-815-2000.

Registered program registration for non-residents opens 14 days after Oakville resident registration begins. Visit the Registration Help page for more information.

Interested in pickleball? Find the right program for your skill level.

  • Beginners: Beginner and Basics programs will help you learn the rules and develop skills.
  • Intermediate: For players with experience and skills including paddle control, ball placement and serving and returning.
  • Advanced: Programs for those who have completed Intermediate. You have strong fundamental skills and understand game strategy.
  • Competitive: Pickleball Ladder offers competitive games each week at a consistent level. You could also consider joining our Pickleball League.
  • Seniors: Pickleball Basics 50+ will help you learn the rules and develop skills. Pickleball Advance Skills 50+ is for players who have taken Pickleball Basics 50+ looking to improve their serves, returns, volleys, and lobs.
  • Just looking to practice? Visit our Drop-In Programs page. We also have Drop-In Programs for Seniors.

Browse registered programs

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