As part of the town’s Official Plan Review we are updating the policies that guide development-related decisions in the Uptown Core and adjacent lands east of Trafalgar Road and north of Dundas Street.
This project will consider revisions to the growth area boundary, the mix of land uses and the scale of future development.
It is intended that the Uptown Core will continue to function as a node for mixed use development and intensification supported by higher order transit as directed by the approved urban structure.
Public engagement
On Saturday, December 7, 2024, we hosted two public engagement opportunities:
- Public Information Meeting 1
- Neighbourhood Walk and Talk for the public to get involved and share information about the Uptown Core
We also shared a survey to gather feedback on the Uptown Core. Thank you to all who responded! Your participation helped frame this project as it moves forward.
Stay tuned for the next Public Information Meeting.
The project team has completed a Background Facts Report that shares findings from the review of existing conditions, documents and plans, site visits and public input.
You can download the report here:
May 24, 2018 Information sessions
January 15, 2018 Report to Subcommittee
- Staff Report: Growth Area Reviews - Preliminary Directions for Midtown Oakville, the Uptown Core and Palermo Village
The existing Uptown Core policies in the Livable Oakville Plan are based on the 2009 Uptown Core Review prepared by The Planning Partnership.
Amaraine Laven
Policy Planner
905-845-6601 ext. 3551