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Midtown is an underdeveloped 103 hectare area in Oakville that is centrally located around the Oakville GO Station. Plans are underway to make this area a livable, connected and mixed-use urban community that better serves the entire town. 

With Oakville’s population expected to double by 2051, there is a need for the town to create more livable spaces for people of all ages and income levels and purposefully plan how our municipality grows. The Province of Ontario requires that the town create more livable spaces for people over the next 30 years. 

Midtown Oakville has the potential to offer more options for diverse and affordable housing, better connectivity to the rest of Oakville through pedestrian, cycling, and transit improvements, additional parks and open spaces, more community amenities and the enhanced servicing infrastructure that is needed to support growth. 

Through 2024, the Midtown Oakville Implementation program will be completing the Midtown Official Plan Amendment, a range of implementation studies covering community building topics, and working alongside the community at every phase. 

The redevelopment itself has a long timeline – we’ll start to see some expansion by 2031 and continue through 2051 and beyond. 

The program will plan for a 2051 horizon year, when Midtown is forecasted to have 32,472 people and 17,268 jobs.

Midtown Oakville Timeline

Through 2024, the Midtown Oakville Implementation program will be completing the Midtown Official Plan Amendment, a range of implementation studies covering community building topics, and working alongside the community at every phase. The redevelopment itself has a long timeline – we’ll start to see some expansion by 2031 and continue through 2051 and beyond. The program will plan for a 2051 horizon year, when Midtown is forecasted to have 32,472 people and 17,268 jobs.

Midtown Oakville Timeline infographic

The purpose of the proposed Official Plan Amendment (OPA) is to update the land use policies for Midtown Oakville in the Livable Oakville Plan, to create a framework that will guide the creation of a transit-supportive and complete community for people to live, work and play.

Maps highlighting key information about lands within Midtown

A new Official Plan Amendment for the Midtown area is being developed as a part of this process, for past iterations of draft policies and schedules and the current Midtown policies in effect:

The Midtown Transportation Plan will address a vision of an equitable, accessible, and connected transportation system that supports a vibrant, people-oriented, and transit-supportive complete community in all seasons.

Read the Notice of Study Commencement and Public Information Centre 1 for Midtown Infrastructure Plans public notice for more information.

The Midtown Stormwater Plan will recommend a sustainable and resilient plan for stormwater quantity and quality management.

Review the Notice of Study Commencement and Public Information Centre 1 for Midtown Infrastructure Plans public notice for more information.

The Midtown Implementation program will also include a range of planning and engineering studies that include water and wastewater servicing, school, public realm, community energy and more.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.