West River traffic survey
In 2021, the Town of Oakville conducted an integrated traffic and safety management study in partnership with the West River Residents Association (WRRA) and the Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS). This study supported the development of a template for a traffic and safety management program to look at measures such as traffic calming, enforcement and public education that can potentially be used in other neighbourhoods.
- Integrated Traffic and Safety Management Plan, 2021 (pdf)
- Appendix A (pdf)
- Appendix B (pdf)
Road network review
The town owns and operates approximately 1,900 kilometres of roadways and 122 signalized intersections. Heavy truck traffic is restricted on some roads. Open the following maps for details:
- Road System Report, 2015 (pdf)
- Traffic Control Plan, 2017 - Map (pdf)
- Heavy Truck Prohibitions and Restrictions, 2018 - Map (pdf)
The town is responsible for crossing guards, traffic signals, street signs and pavement markings. To ensure that the local roadway network operates as safely and efficiently as possible, the town will perform regular reviews of key traffic characteristics such as volumes, levels of service, collisions and driving speeds. The reviews aim to monitor performance levels and identify problem areas.
Traffic volumes
Traffic volume data consists of intersection turning movement count and mid-block 24-hour volume data. Traffic volumes are measured at approximately 300 locations per year through Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) and Turning Movement Count (TMC) programs.
Open the Traffic Volumes Map (pdf) for a summary of daily traffic volumes on both town’s and regional roadways.
Traffic signal review
A Signalized Intersection Level of Service (LOS) review is used as a first step to review traffic operations and determine whether a location is operating at acceptable levels during the critical afternoon peak hour of travel.
Open the 2017 Signalized Intersection LOS Map (pdf) for peak afternoon LOS information at intersections throughout town.
For more information regarding traffic signals please go to the Traffic Signal Operations page.
- Construction Projects
- Roads, Bridges & Storm Sewers
- Bridge Road Reconstruction
- Burloak Drive Grade Separation
- Burnhamthorpe Road East Urbanization
- Burnhamthorpe Road Rehabilitation
- Culvert Rehabilitation Near 1296 Lakeshore Road West
- Drainage Improvements Near 79 Brookfield Road
- Kerr Street Grade Separation
- Royal Windsor Drive Bridge Rehabilitation
- Saville-Seaton Area Storm Drainage Improvement Project
- Sixth Line Widening
- Speers Road Widening
- St. Judes Cemetery and Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery Culvert Replacements
- Westminster Drive Storm Sewer and Road Resurfacing
- Woodhaven Park Drive Storm Sewer and Road Resurfacing
- York Street and Wallace Road Reconstruction
- Stream & Shoreline Projects
- Taxis & Limos
- Road Corridor Permits
- Oakville Transit