Lakeshore Road West Improvements Environment Assessment

An Environmental Assessment Study to assess current and future traffic needs along Lakeshore Road West.

We conducted an environmental assessment (EA) study to:

  • assess current and future traffic needs along Lakeshore Road West from Mississaga Street to Dorval Drive, and 
  • find ways to improve vehicle, cyclist, and pedestrian accessibility and safety.

The study considered a wide range of options including:

  • continuous sidewalks,
  • multi-use paths,
  • on-road bike lanes,
  • separated turn lanes,
  • improved intersection pedestrian crossings, and 
  • improvements to pavement and drainage conditions.

At a Special Council meeting held Tuesday, July 6, 2021, Town Council received the Preferred Solution proposed in the Environmental Assessment for Lakeshore Road West improvements, and directed staff to proceed to the detailed design phase, incorporating options for Council’s further consideration.

Council directed staff to prepare a detailed design that included: 

  • options to limit tree loss
  • options to limit the taking of private property
  • options to provide a multi-use trail in blocks 2, 3 and 4 of the project area
  • an analysis of the climate change impacts
  • opportunity for further public consultation
  • additional investigation of drainage options to maintain a rural profile

Council's decision concludes the EA study for Lakeshore Road West improvements. 

A separate EA will be filed for the McCraney Creek Bridge which is in need of replacement, using information gathered from the Lakeshore Road West study.

The EA is a draft design only. We are looking at the best way we can design improvements to the roadway that will have minimal impact on trees and neighbouring properties. 

When we arrive at the detailed design stage:

  • we will look for opportunities to further mitigate tree impacts by narrowing the sidewalk or trail, or by curving the sidewalk or trail around trees where possible.
  • a more detailed design is developed and shared with the public prior to any construction.

Between April 2017 and April 2021, we offered six different opportunities for public feedback. 

These events included open houses, public meetings and a virtual public information centre.