Traffic Calming in School Zones on Major Collector and Minor Arterial Roads

Traffic calming projects being undertaken by the town to improve road safety in school zones.

The Town of Oakville will begin implementing traffic calming measures in school zones on major collector and minor arterial roadways this summer. 

The project will include the design and implementation of traffic calming measures in four school zones: 

  1. Oodenawi Public School on Sixteen Mile Drive from Harebell Gate to Trailside Drive
  2. St. Matthew Catholic Elementary School on Nottinghill Gate from Pilgrims Way to Runnymead Crescent
  3. West Oak Public School on Fourth Line from Glen Valley Road to Westview Terrace/Brillinger Street 
  4. St. Joan of Arc Catholic Elementary School on Westoak Trails Boulevard, from Calloway Drive to Ashmore Drive

This initiative is part of the Neighbourhood Traffic Safety Program, aimed at making school zones safer by reducing speeding in areas frequented by children and other residents.

Proposed work

The proposed scope of work includes:

  • Raised medians, lateral shifts and mid-block curb extension for Oodenawi PS site
  • Reviewing existing infrastructure (median and bollards), mid- block curb extension, lateral shift for St. Matthew CES site
  • Improving pedestrian traffic from Sandpiper Road to the south side of the school’s driveway, improving sidewalk connection at the East side for West Oak PS site
  • Installing lateral shift, mid-block curb extension, raised median for St. Joan of Arc CES site

Project location maps

The following map graphics show the project locations and boundaries:

Have your say

You are invited to view a pre-recorded presentation of the proposed designs. 

Information presented in the recording includes project design and construction timeline.

To request the presentation in alternate formats, please contact the Project Lead listed on this page, and we will work together to best share the information with you.

Feedback due by February 28

Thank you for your input on the proposed traffic calming measures design plans intended to enhance pedestrian/cyclist safety within the school zone limits. 

Comments received will be reviewed for consideration during the detailed design process and summarized in a "What We Heard" report for future reference.

All feedback received will help finalize the design and implement plan by April 2025.

Open the Traffic Calming on Major Collector and Minor Arterial Roadways Feedback Form