The street lights are monitored through an adaptive control system. This system allows for remote monitoring and improved asset management, automatically notifying town staff of maintenance issues.
The Region of Halton manage street lights on regional roads. General repairs and maintenance activities for the street light network are performed by Oakville Hydro.
Lighting improvements and infill requests
The town reviews all reports of lighting level concerns to identify areas in need of improvement.
In older established neighbourhoods that were built prior to a prescribed lighting design standard, the review process compares lighting levels in the immediate surrounding streets to benchmark consistency.
In subdivisions where the lighting was built to meet today's design standards, that is the benchmark used in the review process.
If a need for improvement is identified, locations are prioritized.
- Locations near intersections are prioritized first, due to the increase for potential conflicting movements.
- Next, mid-block locations are prioritized by road classifications, with arterials first, followed by collectors, then local roadways.
LED conversion program
In 2018, we completed a three-year capital project to convert all street light fixtures from high pressure sodium to LED.
An analysis of energy consumption and maintenance cost savings one year after completion showed a total savings of just over $1 million.
- Construction Projects
- Roads, Bridges & Storm Sewers
- Bridge Road Reconstruction
- Burloak Drive Grade Separation
- Burnhamthorpe Road East Urbanization
- Burnhamthorpe Road Rehabilitation
- Culvert Rehabilitation Near 1296 Lakeshore Road West
- Drainage Improvements Near 79 Brookfield Road
- Kerr Street Grade Separation
- Royal Windsor Drive Bridge Rehabilitation
- Saville-Seaton Area Storm Drainage Improvement Project
- Sixth Line Widening
- Speers Road Widening
- St. Judes Cemetery and Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery Culvert Replacements
- Westminster Drive Storm Sewer and Road Resurfacing
- Woodhaven Park Drive Storm Sewer and Road Resurfacing
- York Street and Wallace Road Reconstruction
- Stream & Shoreline Projects
- Taxis & Limos
- Road Corridor Permits
- Oakville Transit