Assumption process
Once a subdivision plan is registered, all the land on which roads, streets, traffic islands, parks, etc., have been built is transferred to town ownership. Additional urban infrastructure built on these town lands is designed to town standards and approved by the town.
The responsibility for maintenance and replacement of the urban infrastructure moves from the developer to the town once it has been inspected and is deemed to meet town standards for assumption. At this point, maintenance of the infrastructure is included in the town's budgeting process, and the town is responsible for setting design and construction standards.
The assumption process can take several years and involve many agencies and town departments. Typically, assumption does not occur until at least five years after construction of the first house. The first indication that a subdivision is nearing eligibility for assumption will be that the streets have received the final lift of asphalt.
More information is available on the New Subdivisions page. For questions about winter maintenance, please visit the Snow Clearing page.
Assumption eligibility
To find out whether your subdivision is eligible for assumption, visit the links for individual wards below. Assumptions are based on the registered plan number. To determine the status of your subdivision you will need to know your registered plan number, which will look something like: 20M-XXX. If you do not already know your registered plan number you can find this information on the MPAC assessment document or your tax bill.
During this five-year period the following services will be provided by the either the town or Halton Region:
- Snow removal (town)
- Fire Protection (town)
- Enforcement of parking restrictions (town)
- Police protection and enforcement of the Highway Traffic Act (Halton Region)
- Garbage collection (Halton Region)
Assumption of subdivisions
- Ward 1 — Assumption of Subdivision
- Ward 2 — There are currently no applications for this ward.
- Ward 3 — There are currently no applications for this ward.
- Ward 4 — Assumption of Subdivision
- Ward 5 — There are currently no applications for this ward.
- Ward 6 — Assumption of Subdivision
- Ward 7 — Assumption of Subdivision
- Construction Projects
- Roads, Bridges & Storm Sewers
- Bridge Road Reconstruction
- Burloak Drive Grade Separation
- Burnhamthorpe Road East Urbanization
- Burnhamthorpe Road Rehabilitation
- Culvert Rehabilitation Near 1296 Lakeshore Road West
- Drainage Improvements Near 79 Brookfield Road
- Kerr Street Grade Separation
- Royal Windsor Drive Bridge Rehabilitation
- Saville-Seaton Area Storm Drainage Improvement Project
- Sixth Line Widening
- Speers Road Widening
- St. Judes Cemetery and Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery Culvert Replacements
- Westminster Drive Storm Sewer and Road Resurfacing
- Woodhaven Park Drive Storm Sewer and Road Resurfacing
- York Street and Wallace Road Reconstruction
- Stream & Shoreline Projects
- Taxis & Limos
- Road Corridor Permits
- Oakville Transit