Town-wide Parking Management

A parking study to help determine the current and future needs of parking within our community. 

We are conducting a parking study to help determine the current and future needs of parking within our community. 

The study will develop a strategy to:

  • manage parking demands;
  • foster good urban design;
  • support economic development;
  • encourage alternative forms of transportation such as cycling, walking, and transit.

Parking management plays an important role in our plan to manage current and future urban mobility. This study will collect data such as vehicle ownership, parking utilization, parking duration, and parking space size requirements to determine current parking demand for various communities within Oakville, and plan for the future.

This study will be informed by town policies, plans and strategies such as the Livable Oakville Plan, the North Oakville East and West Secondary Plans, and the Transportation Master Plan. The study will also build upon previous studies completed for North Oakville, downtown Oakville, Kerr Village, and Bronte Village for both residential and commercial areas within the town.

The study has been completed, and staff will bring a report to Council in 2024.


If you would like further information on the study, have any questions or comments, or would like to be added to the study mailing list, please contact:

Parking Services
Town of Oakville

Gordon Hui
Project Coordinator
R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited