The parking garage at 300 Church Street closed on April 8, 2024, for a least 12 months to undergo essential repairs that will extend the life of the garage by an additional 15 years and keep the facility in good working condition.
The repairs will help address structural issues and deterioration identified during routine maintenance inspections and testing in 2022. Based on the expert advice of external engineering consultants, the nature and extent of the repairs require the complete closure of the garage.
The community remains a priority for the town during the project. Plans are in place to limit the impact of the closure and construction including best management practices to address site maintenance, dust, noise and traffic.
Keeping you informed
We are committed to communication throughout this project. As we get more details about the project, we will share information with the community including posting it on this page.
Residents can also contact Service Oakville with any inquiries.
For more details, review the Memo to Council dated November 4, 2022 (pdf).
Rehabilitation work has progressed since the contractor mobilized on site in mid-April 2024.
Over the coming weeks, here is what you will see on site:
- Concrete removal in localized areas, starting on the roof
- Interior stairs being prepped for new waterproofing membrane application
- Flatbed trucks delivering materials
- Removal of debris, as required
- Normal noise and vibration associated with construction and minimum dust
- Construction workers and equipment entering and leaving the site off Church Street
Hoarding is installed around the site and signs are placed at the entrances/exits of the parking garage to notify customers of the closure.
Construction officially started the week of April 22, 2024, and will take at least 12 months.
- Late spring/early summer 2023: Engineering design consultant retained by the town completed its investigation of the parking garage. They recommended a rehabilitation plan that will extend the life of the garage by an additional 15 years.
- End of 2023: A Request for Tender (RFT) to hire a contractor to complete the repairs outlined in the plan was issued.
- April 8, 2024: Garage will fully close and the contractor is anticipated to mobilize on site.
- April 15, 2024: Rehabilitation and repair work begins and is anticipated to last at least 12 months.
The repair and rehabilitation work to the Downtown Parking Garage include:
- concrete repairs throughout the garage to reinforce structural integrity of each level, including the basement;
- installation of a traffic deck waterproofing system protecting all traffic and pedestrian surfaces; and
- repainting all parking lines, directional arrows, and barrier-free symbols once surface repairs are completed.
- elevator upgrades including replacing the elevator door mechanisms to extend its service life.
- updates to the garage’s access and payment system; and
- addition of eight parking spaces on the main floor.
We are going to focus on making Downtown Oakville more attractive by offering more opportunities for everyone to enjoy.
As part of this commitment, a new project under the Downtown Parking Supply Study (DPSS) has been initiated which will build on recommendations brought forward in the Parking Management Strategy.
- The Parking Management Strategy focuses broadly on optimizing within the existing parking model.
- The DPSS will focus on Downtown Oakville and how best to determine the current and future needs.
Find parking easily
The town’s real-time Downtown Oakville parking map is a handy tool for residents and visitors to use now and throughout the rehabilitation find nearby places to park more easily.
Residents and visitors can find municipal parking lots and garages, the cost to park your vehicle and time limits for parking on the Parking Lots and Garages page.