Overnight Downtown Parking Permit

Get a permit to park your vehicle overnight in Downtown Oakville.

In Downtown Oakville you can purchase a permit to park a vehicle in a municipal lot anytime between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. 

Parking in municipal lots in Downtown Oakville is free from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Permit name

Overnight paid parking for Downtown Oakville


Paid overnight parking is available in the downtown core, municipal lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15 and 16. 

The parking lots along Water Street are not included in this program. 

Duration of permit

  • One night
  • 30 nights


  • One night: $6
  • 30 nights: $55

At this time, parking machines in the Downtown Oakville municipal lots cannot accept payment for parking between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.

  • Hourly (one-night) payments made online are only available through the HonkMobile app.
  • 30 night permit payments can only be made through our online services.

Request this permit

To request an Overnight Parking Permit:

  1. Review all of the information on this page, including the Terms and Conditions.
  2. Sign-in to your town account or HonkMobile app. 
  3. Complete an online Parking Permit request.

How to submit a permit request with online services

  1. Click "Sign in"
    • On a desktop or laptop computer you'll find "Sign In" in the upper-right corner of this page.
    • On a tablet or mobile phone, click on the menu button (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner of this page. Then click "Sign in" on the top-left corner when the menu page opens.
  2. If you don't yet have a town account:
    • Select "Create Account"
    • Complete all the required fields with your information. When you are done, select "Create an account."
    • You will receive a pop-up message directing you to check the email used to create your account. The email contains a link to create your password. You must complete this step within 24 hours to activate your account.
    • Once your password is created, you will be redirected to the Online Services page, and you should see that you are signed in (your name is displayed in the top right-hand corner).
  3. Sign in to your account.
  4. Select “Parking and Enforcement” then “Paid Parking Permit” to make a request.

How to submit a request with HonkMobile

With the free HonkMobile app, you can easily search, pay for and top up parking from a phone, tablet or computer. 

Download HonkMobile

Set up and payment is simple

  1. Download the HonkMobile app.
  2. Set up an account including your vehicle and payment information.
  3. Choose the "zone" or location to park. Zone information is found on the nearby parking metres or the app.
  4. Choose time needed to park. (You can also use the app to extend your parking time, up to the location's maximum.)
  5. You're finished! When you pay with the HonkMobile app, there is no printed payment stub to display on your car's dash

For all permits

  • Parking charges and permits are for use of parking space only
  • The Town of Oakville, its employees or agents are not responsible for loss or damage to vehicle or its contents, however caused
  • A parking space is not guaranteed
  • NSF fee will be applied if payment could not be processed or if payment was declined
  • Failure to make payment will result in cancellation of the permit
  • No credit or refunds for period of time when parking is not used, or parking not found
  • Only those vehicles identified in the permit holder’s account are permitted to use the permit for parking
  • The Town of Oakville reserves the right, with 30 days’ notice, to change rates, fees or parking permit program
  • The Town of Oakville reserves the right to refuse the renewal or issuance of any permit if there are multiple unpaid parking tickets or penalties
  • Permits are non-transferable
  • Permit can only be registered to a vehicle with current licence registration

The permit holder is responsible for

  • Adhering to all the terms and conditions related to their permit
  • Parking their vehicle in the location identified on the permit
  • Parking their vehicle in a parking space designated with pavement markings, if the location has demarcated parking spaces
  • Ensuring all contact, payment and vehicle information is current
  • Ensuring the vehicle is not a commercial vehicle, recreational vehicle, trailer, vehicle with trailer or inoperable vehicle
  • Ensuring the vehicle is properly plated and registered with a valid permit
  • NSF fees if payment could not be processed or if payment was declined
  • Alternate parking arrangements and charges if parking space is not found
  • Contacting Municipal Enforcement Services when a permit is lost or stolen
  • Paying a permit replacement fee for any lost or stolen permit
  • Locking their vehicle when parked
  • Ensuring the vehicle is not parked contrary to other parking regulations, signed or unsigned

Terms specific to this permit

Further to the terms and conditions identified for all permits, the permit holder is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the permit is not used to park
    • outside marked parking space
    • in such a manner to block another vehicle
    • when the parking lot is closed
    • in a designated accessible parking space, without a valid accessible permit on display
    • in an area signed or marked No Parking or No Stopping
    • anytime between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday
    • in an area other than the permit zone
  • Ensuring the permit is not used in combination with any other commercial area permit that could result in day and overnight parking for the same vehicle.

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