Accessible Parking Permit

Accessible parking permit use and restrictions in Oakville.

Accessible parking permits are issued by Service Ontario to either a driver or passenger with an eligible disability or health condition. These permits are issued to people, not vehicles, allowing the permit holder to transfer the permit to any vehicle they are travelling in. 

The permits provide permit holders access to designated accessible parking spaces that are generally closer to the entry of a facility in order to accommodate their disability and/or health condition.

Paid parking

When parking in paid parking areas on the street, in commercial parking lots and garages, permit holders must still pay to park. This includes downtown Oakville, Kerr Village, Bronte Village and the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital.

Parking restrictions

When accessible parking spaces are full, permit holders may find parking in a regular parking space.

Accessible parking permits do not allow permit holders to:

  • Park in no parking areas,
  • Park in no stopping areas,
  • Park in fire routes, or
  • Disobey any other parking prohibitions. 

Not all parking regulations are posted on signs. Learn more about common parking concerns or read the Parking Administrative Penalties By-law for a full list of regulations.

Accessible parking permit use

When using your accessible parking permit, you must:

  • Clearly display a valid permit, ensuring the expiration date is visible, on your vehicle’s sun visor or front dashboard.
  • Be a passenger or driver of the vehicle using the accessible parking space, at the time that it is being used.

The permit is not considered valid if it is:

  • Expired
  • Altered or defaced in any way
  • Photocopied or reproduced (by any means). Using copied, altered or fraudulently obtained permits may result in charges under the Highway Traffic Act or being issued a Penalty Notice.
  • Displayed on a vehicle not being used by the permit holder (as either a passenger or driver), and parked in an accessible parking space. Using an accessible parking permit in the absence of the named holder, may result in charges under the Highway Traffic Act or being issued a Penalty Notice.

Committing any of the above violations may result in your vehicle being ticketed and or towed.

Find accessible parking

There are several designated accessible parking spaces in downtown Oakville, Kerr Village and Bronte Village, both on the street and in parking lots. 

Accessible parking spaces in downtown Oakville can be found on the live downtown Oakville parking map. Click on a location on the map and zoom in to view designated accessible spaces.