Paid Street Parking

Find paid on-street parking locations, the cost to park your vehicle and time limits for parking.

When to pay

Paid parking is required in metered on-street spaces from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Saturday.

Parking is free in paid on-street spaces on Sundays, on holidays, and after 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday.

The cost and time limits of on-street parking varies by location.

Parking rates vary by location

25 cents (20 minute limit)

  • Bronte Village
  • Downtown Oakville
  • Kerr Village

After 6 p.m. on Sundays and on holidays the time limit remains at 20 minutes at these spaces.

$1.50 per hour (two hour limit)

  • Bronte Road between Lakeshore Road West and Ontario Street
  • Jones Street between Lakeshore Road West and Marine Drive
  • Jones Street between Marine Drive and Ontario Street
  • Kerr Street
  • Lakeshore Road West
  • Lakeshore Road West between Bronte Road and Nelson Street
  • Marine Drive between Bronte Road and Jones Street
  • Nelson Street between Lakeshore Road West and Marine Drive

$1.50 per hour (five hour limit)

  • Randall Street (between Trafalgar Road and Reynolds Street)
  • Robinson Street (north side)

$1.50 per hour (nine hour limit)

  • Douglas Avenue and Randall Street (between Allan Street and Douglas Avenue)
  • Ontario Street (south side) between Jones Street and East Street
  • Robinson Street (south side)
  • Water Street (west side)

$2 per hour (three hour limit)

  • Church Street
  • Dunn Street
  • Lakeshore Road East between Allan and Navy Streets
  • Navy Street
  • Reynolds Street
  • Thomas Street
  • Trafalgar Road
  • Water Street (east side)

How to pay

At paid on-street parking spaces with zone numbers, you can pay for parking with your phone. 

Zone information is found on the nearby parking meters, signs or on the HonkMobile app. 

Paying with your phone

With the free HonkMobile app, you can easily search, pay for and top up parking on a phone, tablet or computer. 

Download HonkMobile

Set up and payment is simple
  1. Download the HonkMobile app.
  2. Set up an account including your vehicle and payment information.
  3. Choose the "zone" or location to park. 
  4. Choose time needed to park. (You can also use the app to extend your parking time, up to the location's maximum.)
  5. You're finished! When you pay with the HonkMobile app, there is no printed payment stub to display on your car's dash

Quick stop meters (20 minutes for $.25) are not available for use with HonkMobile

At pay-by-plate meters, you can pay for parking with your credit card, cash or mobile phone.

You will recognize these meters by their electronic display screen and the solar panels on the top of the machine.

Pay with a credit card

  1. Enter your license plate number
  2. Insert your credit card and choose the time needed to park. Accepted payment forms include Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discovery.

Pay with cash

  1. Enter your license plate number
  2. Insert coins to purchase time needed to park. All coins are accepted.

At certain single space parking meters, payment can be made by coin only.

  • Only $.25, $1 and $2 coins are accepted.
  • Cash-only meters can be found on side streets throughout Downtown Oakville, Kerr village and Bronte Village.

If you find an issue with making payment at the parking meter or machine please contact us by:

  • calling 905-845-6601 during business hours between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • sending email to after business hours.

The following information will be required for the report:

  • location of the parking meter or pay and display/pay by plate machine.
  • the meter number listed on the parking meter.
  • the number listed on the pay and display/pay by plate machine.

You can pay for your parking space using the HonkMobile app.

Download HonkMobile