Project scope
The York and Wallace Reconstruction will include improvements to replace the highly asphalted right-of-way with curbing and boulevard space. This will achieve an additional 40 per cent of green space within the boulevard and offer legal on-street parking, where feasible, to serve local businesses.
Safety improvements will also be applied with upgrades to the existing area street lighting and an added sidewalk along the east side of York Street, and along the north side of Wallace between York Street and Speers Road. A new storm sewer, complete with oil and grit separator, will be added to improve stormwater quality and drainage in the project area.
What to expect
- Asphalt resurfacing
- Road grading and boulevard restoration
- New concrete curb and gutter
- Driveway restoration
- Utility upgrades
- Storm sewer upgrades
- Streetlight upgrades
- Street tree pruning/removal
Project status
September 24, 2024, update
We will be undertaking improvements on York Street from Speers Road to Wallace Road, and on Wallace Road from Speers Road to the end of the Wallace Road cul-de-sac.
Construction will start the week of September 29, 2024, and is expected to be completed summer of 2025. Normal construction hours are Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Mastercrete Construction Inc. and Environmental Infrastructure Solutions have been retained by the Town to construct and inspect the works.
During the construction, traffic on Wallace Road and York Street will remain open but may be reduced to one lane in certain areas. Access to properties will be maintained.
Impact to businesses and residents
Please adjust your business practices and move your vehicles out of the town’s right of way. This will provide ample space for construction activities and help minimize disruptions.
Note that Oakville By-Law and Enforcement officers will be monitoring the area regularly. If vehicles are found to be interfering with construction work, tickets or other necessary actions may be issued.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work to enhance our community. Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Disruption to your internet or telephone service may unfortunately occur. The town has flagged this concern with utility companies. Our goal is to have disconnections repaired by the provider within 24 hours. The contractor will typically contact the utility company, however, if you lose service, please inform your utility provider and the town of the interruption.
If you have a lawn irrigation system within the town’s road allowance, please disconnect and remove these sprinkler heads/lines. Please flag all other irrigation heads so they are not damaged. The town is not responsible for damaged heads/lines within the road allowance.
During construction mobilization, barrel delineators will be erected around all future boulevard areas that are currently occupied with driveways. Tenants/owners are reminded to adjust business practices to future conditions of construction and relocate vehicles out of the town's right of way.
Tree protection barriers will be erected around all trees within the right-of-way. Some trees will require removal or pruning.
You may experience some minor vibration from construction equipment. As a precaution, we recommend that you remove or secure objects on shelves and walls.
You can also expect there will be increased levels of dust and mud throughout the project limits. The contractor is required to manage these impacts.
Please continue to put your garbage and recycling out on the usual day. It is the contractor's responsibility to move your garbage to a location that can be easily picked up by the garbage truck and return your garbage containers. To help the contractor return your bins to you, we ask that you write your address on your garbage cans, recycling bins and green carts.
Lane restrictions and short-term road closures will be in place during construction. You will still have access to your business. Additional information will be provided during construction.
There may be interruptions to your water service during construction while completing watermain tie-ins and when transferring the buildings to a new watermain. The town's inspector or contractor will provide 48 hours advanced notice of all scheduled service interruptions. Some watermain installation and tie-in work may be required to take place at night.
Past updates
We are applying final adjustments to the detailed design of York Street and Wallace Road Reconstruction. Construction is expected to begin summer of 2024, after utility relocations.
Oakville Hydro will relocate the existing pole line at York and Wallace, South of Speers Road, commencing May 21, 2024. Construction is anticipated to last five to seven weeks, weather depending.
Residents and business owners are asked to move their vehicles out of the right of way and provide ample space for hydro-pole replacement and construction works.
Road reconstruction is estimated to begin near the end of the 2024 summer and take approximately six to eight months to complete. Project completion is estimated for 2025.
Traffic on Wallace Road and York Street will remain open during construction but may be reduced to one lane at times in select areas. Access to properties will be maintained at all times during construction.
Public information centres for this project were held in June 2018 and in November 2022. We encourage business owners to familiarize with the upcoming work by reviewing the information material available below.
- Roads, Bridges & Storm Sewers
- Bridge Road Reconstruction
- Burloak Drive Grade Separation
- Burnhamthorpe Road East Urbanization
- Burnhamthorpe Road Rehabilitation
- Culvert Rehabilitation Near 1296 Lakeshore Road West
- Drainage Improvements Near 79 Brookfield Road
- Kerr Street Grade Separation
- Royal Windsor Drive Bridge Rehabilitation
- Saville-Seaton Area Storm Drainage Improvement Project
- Sixth Line Widening
- Speers Road Widening
- St. Judes Cemetery and Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery Culvert Replacements
- Westminster Drive Storm Sewer and Road Resurfacing
- Woodhaven Park Drive Storm Sewer and Road Resurfacing
- York Street and Wallace Road Reconstruction
- Stream & Shoreline Projects
Questions or concerns?
Please contact:
Katie Haines
Project Leader, Capital Projects
905-845-6601 ext. 3398

Canada Community-Building Fund
This project received funding from the Canada Community Building Fund (CCBF).
The Canada Community-Building Fund provides direct, permanent, stable funding to help each municipality in Ontario address local infrastructure priorities. Its purpose is to grow the economy, promote a cleaner environment, and build stronger communities all by investing in local infrastructure.