Phase two
We are widening and reconstructing Speers Road to five lanes (four through lanes and a centre turning) with active transportation improvements from Fourth Line to Dorval Drive. This project also includes watermain replacement, and Wastewater Collection System upgrades on Speers Road.
The speed limit is reduced to 50 kilometres per hour within the project limits.
The following upgrades when complete, will enhance travel on Speers Road for all users, including drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and transit commuters.
Project highlights
- Widened road platform
- Asphalt resurfacing
- New concrete curb and gutter
- Active transportation improvements
- Driveway restoration
- New sidewalks
- Upgraded street lighting
- New traffic signals at Fourth Line, 447 Speers Road and Morden Road intersections
- Grading and top soil and sod restoration.
- Watermain replacement
- Sanitary sewer system upgrade
- Sanitary laterals replacement
- Watermain re-lining
Project scheduling and staging
Construction will commence in Spring 2025 with anticipated completion in 2027.
The relocation of hydro and utilities began in summer 2024.
A project to widen Speers Road to five lanes from Third Line to Fourth Line
We have widened and reconstructed Speers Road to five lanes (four through lanes and a centre turning) with separated on-road bike lanes from Third Line to Fourth Line.
This project included watermain replacement, and Wastewater Collection System upgrades on Speers Road from 670 metres West of Third Line to Fourth Line and the re-lining of the watermain on Fourth Line under the railroad.
The speed limit is reduced to 50 kilometres per hour within the project limits.
Project highlights
- Widened road platform
- Asphalt resurfacing
- New concrete curb and gutter
- Separated on-road bike lanes
- Driveway restoration
- 14 Mile Creek bridge widening and rehabilitation
- New sidewalks
- Upgraded street lighting
- New traffic signals at Third Line and Fourth Line intersections
- Two new pedestrian crossings
- Grading and top soil and sod restoration.
- Watermain replacement
- Sanitary sewer system upgrade
- Sanitary laterals replacement
- Watermain re-lining
Project scheduling and staging
Construction started in the summer of 2019 and was completed in 2021.
The relocation of utilities began in summer 2018 and the replacement of the watermain on Speers Road will begin summer 2019.
The limits of the watermain work extend west of Third Line to Fourth Line.
Public engagement
The Engineering and Construction Department held a public information centre on June 20, 2018.
Review the notice and materials presented at the meeting:
- Roads, Bridges & Storm Sewers
- Bridge Road Reconstruction
- Burloak Drive Grade Separation
- Burnhamthorpe Road East Urbanization
- Burnhamthorpe Road Rehabilitation
- Culvert Rehabilitation Near 1296 Lakeshore Road West
- Drainage Improvements Near 79 Brookfield Road
- Kerr Street Grade Separation
- Royal Windsor Drive Bridge Rehabilitation
- Saville-Seaton Area Storm Drainage Improvement Project
- Sixth Line Widening
- Speers Road Widening
- St. Judes Cemetery and Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery Culvert Replacements
- Westminster Drive Storm Sewer and Road Resurfacing
- Woodhaven Park Drive Storm Sewer and Road Resurfacing
- York Street and Wallace Road Reconstruction
- Stream & Shoreline Projects
Contact - Road construction
Kasia Piskorz
Project Leader - Capital Projects, Town of Oakville
Engineering & Construction
905-845-6601, ext. 3533
Contact - Watermain and wastewater
Imtiaz Ahmad
Project Manager, Halton Region
Engineering & Construction
905-825-6600, ext. 3226