Burnhamthorpe Road East Urbanization

An urbanization project to meet future travel demands on Burnhamthorpe Road East.

We're improving Burnhamthorpe Road East by adding several new features to upgrade travel demands.

Burnhamthorpe Road has been designated a west-east minor arterial roadway in the town's Official Plan (Livable Oakville) and plays a key role in the town’s overall transportation system. As development happens along the Burnhamthorpe Road corridor, the importance of this roadway will increase by providing a critical north-south transportation link. 

The current two-lane, rural cross-section needs upgrading to meet future travel demands and help motorists, cyclists and pedestrians get to work, school, retail and home every day.

Tentative improvements will include the reconstruction of Burnhamthorpe Road from its current two-lane rural cross-section to an urbanized four-lane road with on-road bike lanes, parking lay-bys and landscaping.

Project timeline

The Town of Oakville is in the early stages of designing the urbanization of Burnhamthorpe Road and anticipates a Public Information Centre (PIC) to be held spring 2025. 

Tentative construction date of summer 2026.

The Town of Oakville is in the early stages of designing the urbanization of Burnhamthorpe Road and anticipates a PIC to be held spring 2025. 

Tentative construction date of summer of 2027.

Subdivision servicing within Burnhamthorpe Road

As Burnhamthorpe Road is transformed from what was essentially a rural road to an urban corridor, services are needed. Installation of these services started in October 2024 with a full road closure being required. 

The first road closure from Sixth Line to approximately 800 metres westerly was completed on December 20, 2024. 

There is a future road closure planned for spring 2025 to continue the work required to service future developments along Burnhamthorpe Road.

This work is not related to the town’s reconstruction of Burnhamthorpe Road and is needed solely to service new developments in the area. All work is fully funded by the respective developments and installed by contractors retained by local developers. 

The alternate route is along either Dundas Street East or on William Halton Parkway.