Bridge Road Reconstruction

Bridge Road from Lees Lane to Sherin Drive will be reconstructed to a two-lane urban cross-section with  bike lanes.

The town is in the process of completing detailed design drawings for the reconstruction of Bridge Road from Lees Lane to Sherin Drive. 

As the town’s work on the development of a Rainwater Management Plan continues, Council passed a motion at the July 11, 2023 Council meeting recommending that green infrastructure elements are the preferred first approach for stormwater management solutions. 

As a result, staff have further reviewed the opportunity to implement green infrastructure as part of the Bridge Road Reconstruction project and preliminary review indicates that “green” elements such as a dry pond may be feasible within Brookdale Park. 

Aligning with Council’s recent motion, staff will be initiating a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to review this opportunity throughout 2024. 

Reconstruction of the roadway will be deferred until the completion of the EA. The following work will proceed in the interim:

  • Road Resurfacing between Sherin Drive and Lees Lane – Fall 2023
  • Bridge structure rehabilitation works over Fourteen Mile Creek - 2024

Scope of work

Bridge Road from Lees Lane to Sherin Drive (approximately one kilometre) will be reconstructed from a present two-lane rural cross-section to a two-lane urban cross-section with on-road bike lanes. 

The project will also include:

  • Removal of roadside ditches and driveway culverts
  • New storm sewers 
  • New concrete curb and sidewalk
  • Widening and remediation of the bridge structure at Fourteen Mile Creek
  • Driveway apron restoration
  • Topsoil and sod restoration of boulevard areas

Public consultation

A public information centre was held in an online format from August 9 to 30, 2021 to share the draft design drawings with the public. Following this public consultation, the project team is reviewing all the comments received for consideration during the final design stage. 

We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions or comments at this time, please contact ServiceOakville at or 905-845-6601.