North Service Road Multi-Use Path - Fourth Line to Dorval Drive

A new multi-use path to enhance the town’s active transportation network.

Plans are underway to build an asphalt multi-use path on North Service Road, from Fourth Line to Dorval Drive. The project will see the installation of a three-metre-wide path for active transportation use.

Scope of work

  • Removal of existing concrete sidewalk
  • Construction of an asphalt multi-use path
  • Curb and gutter upgrades in select locations along the path
  • Relocation of fire hydrants
  • Enhanced pavement markings and road signs
  • Sod restoration

Lane restrictions and brief road closures will be required at various stages of the project.

Project timeline

Construction began on May 6, 2024 and was completed on August 31, 2024, within the estimated timeframe of four to sixteen weeks.