Active Transportation Capital Projects

Infrastructure and construction projects related to the Active Transportation Master Plan.

Capital projects approved for 2022

Multi-use trails

Crosstown Trail

Construction of the Crosstown Trail from Bristol Circle to Winston Churchill Boulevard, was completed in August 2022. The project received funding from the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling (OMCC) Program.

Detailed design has started for the Crosstown Trail from Fourth Line to Bronte Road, and work is currently underway.

North Service Road

Plans are underway to build an asphalt multi-use path on North Service Road, from Fourth Line to Dorval Drive. The project will see the installation of a three meters wide path for active transportation use.

Learn more about the North Service Road Multi Use Path project.

Bike lanes

Lakeshore Road East

A feasibility study is underway to review the possibility of introducing on-road bike lanes on Lakeshore Road East between Allan Street and Winston Churchill Boulevard.

Other locations

Additional bike lane improvements are also anticipated for Michigan Drive, Joshua’s Creek Drive, and Navy Street.

Detailed design projects that incorporate on-road bike lanes in future construction phases include Wyecroft Road, Khalsa Gate, Bridge Road, Sixth Line, and the North Service Road.

Separated bike lanes

Protected on-road bike lanes are being included into the detailed design of Speers Road between Fourth Line and Dorval Drive.

Signed bike routes with super sharrows

Super sharrows will be installed between Speers Road and Lakeshore Road as part of the Kerr Street road rehabilitation project.

Bike repair station

A new bike repair station has been installed at Bronte Heritage Park.

Cycling in Oakville

Town staff will be updating the cycling lane and trail maps and participating in the Active and Sustainable School Transportation program.

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