Strategic objectives and action plan
We will manage the development of safe, active, and connected communities with places to live, work, and play for all by:
- Supporting housing developments that are livable and attainable through a range of housing options, in alignment with the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw
- Planning complete mixed-use communities with access to greenspace, retail, schools, libraries, recreation spaces, community centres, and transit hubs
- Implementing urban design and traffic management principles to promote walkability and pedestrian safety
- Conserving our built heritage to respect our history and sustain a “small town feeling”
Action Plan 2023-2026
Develop plans and strategies that support the town’s Urban Structure to manage forecasted growth while protecting natural areas, preserving cultural heritage, and maintaining the character of existing neighbourhoods through the following:
- Midtown Oakville Growth Area Review
- Uptown Urban Core Review
- Neyagawa Urban Core Review
- Old Oakville Heritage Conservation District Update
- Housing Plan Review
Promote community safety by modernizing municipal community enforcement through the following:
- Municipal Enforcement Plan
- Parking Plan
- Specific by-law reviews
We will ensure infrastructure meets the needs of the growing community by:
- Implementing public works infrastructure to prepare for projected demand
- Upgrading, expanding, and constructing parks, recreation, and culture facilities and libraries so they meet current and future needs in all areas of the town
- Implementing future-ready infrastructure, technology, and policies
Action Plan 2023-2026
Plan and build infrastructure to meet the needs of a growing community through the following:
- Construction of North Park
- Parking for Bronte, Kerr, Downtown
- Streetscape studies (Bronte, Kerr)
- Execute growth-related infrastructure in 10-year capital plan
- Downtown Cultural Hub implementation
- Towne Square
Maximize use of the town’s growth infrastructure funding tools (development charges, community benefits charges, parkland dedication) to ensure growth pays for growth so land and infrastructure are in place to maintain service levels.
We will promote employment growth and the long-term vibrancy of the economy by:
- Leveraging Oakville’s strengths to attract employers and remote workers
- Providing support and resources to strengthen business retention and growth
- Enhancing the capacity of partners to cultivate vibrant commercial districts and activate community spaces
Action Plan 2023-2026
Balance residential growth with employment growth to ensure job opportunities for residents and healthy non-residential tax revenue through the following:
- Economic Development Plan
We will manage safety, mobility, and environmental goals by:
- Improving ease of movement of people and goods to minimize traffic congestion
- Enhancing mobility through improvements to diverse and more sustainable modes of travel, such as by foot, cycle, and transit.
- Implementing neighbourhood traffic safety measures
Action Plan 2023-2026
Address goods and people movement in ways that provide modal choice that is sensitive to climate impacts, impacts on congestion and promote community health through the following:
- Transportation Master Plan
- Urban Mobility Plan
- Electric Vehicle Plan

Community indicators
- Percentage of tax revenue from non-residential sources relative to total assessed value
- Labour force participation rates
- Annual number of public transport trips per capita
- Percentage of active transportation infrastructure per population
- Recreation facilities and libraries per capita
- Traffic calming locations across town