Strategic objectives and action plan
We will integrate greenspaces and parks throughout our community, and conserve and enhance natural areas by:
- Protecting environmental features and maintaining green corridors to connect natural areas
- Acquiring and protecting parkland to enhance outdoor recreational activities
- Adding to our trail network to enable residents to connect to natural spaces
Action Plan 2023-2026
Manage our natural environment to adapt to a changing climate, in the context of our urban development, through developing and implementing the following:
- Urban Forest Management Plan
- Land Acquisition Plan including Parkway lands
- Oakville Harbours Plan
We will minimize the impact that the town has on climate change by:
- Incorporating climate mitigation and adaptation planning into policy, operational procedures, and risk management across all department areas
- Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and conserving energy across municipal facilities and operations
- Supporting community energy efficiency and GHG emission reduction initiatives
Action Plan 2023-2026
Mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and energy usage in the community and the corporation, to enhance climate action through the following:
- Continuing to implement the Corporate Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan towards achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2050 for all corporate activities
- Reviewing and updating the Community Energy Plan in partnership with community stakeholders
- Climate Action and Sustainability Policy Review
- Evaluating and exploring opportunities for district energy
- Promoting home energy retrofits through education and outreach, and support energy efficiency opportunities for renovations and new builds
We will identify and manage environmental risks and build resiliency in our infrastructure and services by:
- Understanding potential vulnerabilities and ensuring resiliency of natural and built assets in the face of more frequent and severe extreme weather events
- Promoting environmental stewardship to protect resources and natural areas from effects of climate change
Action Plan 2023-2026
Minimize the effect of climate impacts related to our corporate operations, to address the climate emergency through the following:
- Aligning with recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
- Developing and implementing Corporate Climate Resiliency Plans
- Technological optimizations to reduce power and waste
- Rainwater Management Plan
Community resilience in partnership with faith and community organizations

Community indicators
- Green area (hectares) per 100,000 population
- Percentage reduction in corporate GHG emissions
- Total residential energy usage per capita
- Dollars of stormwater infrastructure investment to increase resiliency
- Tracking approved development proposals that incorporate sustainability