Use of Town Digital Kiosks for BIA Sponsorship Policy

Policy statement

The Corporation of the Town of Oakville (hereinafter referred to as the town) recognizes that the Business Improvement Associations (“BIAs”) work to enhance the beautification and success of the town’s commercial districts, and sponsorships enable the BIAs to provide greater opportunities for events, experiences, and support for businesses to thrive in the town.


The purpose of this policy is to:
  • Provide the BIAs access to Town Digital Kiosks as a way to recognize sponsors for an event or activity associated with a BIA organized event, in a manner that is consistent with the objectives of the town’s Sign By-law
  • Require consistency in the BIAs’ decisions to accept or decline sponsorship initiatives in accordance with the town’s restrictions to requests for sponsorship, namely:
    • The BIAs will not solicit, accept, or provide sponsorships from or to companies whose reputation could prove detrimental to the town’s public image.
    • The BIAs will not allow sponsorships either directly or through third party arrangements that:
      • Promote consumption of alcohol, marijuana and addictive substances, at events or venues geared primarily to children
      • Promote the sale of tobacco
      • Promote pornography
      • Promote the support of or involvement in the production, distribution, and sale of weapons and other life-threatening products
      • Present demeaning or derogatory portrayals of individuals or groups or contain any message that is likely to cause deep or widespread offence
    • The BIAs will ensure that there is financial sustainability of programs and services provided by grants and sponsorships.
A consistent and controlled approach to sponsorship arrangements protects the town’s corporate values, image, assets, and interests while increasing the opportunity for revenue generation for the BIAs.


This policy only applies to the use of Town Digital Kiosks by the BIAs.


Sponsorship: is a mutually beneficial arrangement between the BIA and an external party (individual, company, vendor, or organization) wherein a party contributes funds, goods or services to an event, project, program, service or corporate asset in return for recognition, or other promotional consideration.

Forms of Sponsorship:
  • Cash: a sponsorship received in the form of money.
  • In-kind: a sponsorship received in the form of goods or services of value to the town.
Town Digital Kiosk: any town operated digital display board found within a BIA district used for advertising community events and may include sponsorship credits. A Town Digital Kiosk shall be deemed to be a “Community Mobile Sign” for the purposes of the Sign By-law.