Enforcement of Boulevard Parking in Residential Areas Procedure

Purpose statement


This procedure sets out how boulevard parking will be enforced within the Town of Oakville.



This procedure applies to boulevard parking in residential areas within the Town of Oakville.



Figure 1 illustrates the location of the boulevard portion of the driveway apron:

Enforcement of Boulevard Parking:

1. Boulevard parking is an unsigned prohibition throughout Oakville (signs prohibiting boulevard parking are not required to be posted). Section 2 of this procedure sets out situations where boulevard parking will be enforced. However, subject to Section 2, boulevard parking will generally be permitted in residential areas where parked vehicles are fully contained on the boulevard portion of the driveway apron (all tires fully on the driveway apron). Vehicles may be parked on the driveway apron as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 below.

2. Enforcement staff will enforce boulevard parking infractions where a vehicle is parked on a driveway apron so that it:

  • subject to review by the Transportation and Engineering Department, causes a visibility or safety issue for vehicles travelling at an intersection (generally only the vehicles parked in the driveway apron immediately adjacent to the intersection could potentially affect sightlines at the intersection);
  • obstructs sightlines for drivers pulling in or out of a garage;
  • encroaches onto or overhangs the road;
  • obstructs services such as snow clearing, snow removal or garbage/recycling collection; or
  • encroaches onto or overhangs the sidewalk and/or encumbers the mobility of persons using the sidewalk.

Boulevard parking infractions will also be enforced where a vehicle:

  • is parked on the grass portion of the boulevard as shown in Figure 1;
  • is parked outside the bounds of the driveway apron curb cuts (if the boulevard has been modified/altered);
  • where the driveway apron is shared by adjoining property owners;
  • is parked on a hydro vault located on a boulevard;
  • is parked on a boulevard behind a garage in areas where there are rear public lanes;
  • is a commercial vehicle;
  • is inoperable;
  • is advertised for sale;
  • does not have a valid licence plate; or
  • is parked within 3 metres of a fire hydrant.

Penalty notices issued for contravention of boulevard parking regulations in the Traffic By-law and the corresponding penalties, shall be in accordance with Parking Administrative Penalties By-law and Administrative Penalties Procedure.

References and related documents


Parking Administrative Penalties By-law 2015-071, as amended
Uniform Traffic By-law 1984-1, as amended
Municipal Right of Way By-law 2009-072, as amended
Administrative Penalties Procedure
Progressive Enforcement Procedure



Boulevard: means that part of the highway situated between the curb line and the property line of the lot abutting the highway, but does not include a sidewalk, shoulder or combined facility, if any.

Boulevard Parking: means parking on the boulevard portion of the driveway apron as shown in Figure 1.

Commercial Vehicle: means a motor vehicle having permanently attached thereto a truck or delivery body and includes ambulances, hearses, casket wagons, fire apparatus, buses and tractors used for hauling purposes on the highways.

Driveway Apron: means the portion of a driveway between the sidewalk and the street that is primarily used for vehicular access and that cannot be altered in any way except under Town permit.

Highway: includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, lane, alley, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct, or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for passage of vehicles.

Traffic By-law: means the Town’s Uniform Traffic By-law 1984-1, as amended.



The Director of Municipal Enforcement Services or designate shall be responsible for the administration of this procedure
