Harbour Operations - Payment and Refund Procedure

Purpose statement

The Parks and Open Space department, Harbours section, in its capacity as a harbours operator, has a responsibility to provide products and services to boaters for a fee, as approved annually through the town’s rates and fees.


This procedure applies to all payments and refunds for harbour products and services within Bronte and Oakville Harbours, operated by the Town of Oakville (town).


The framework for payments with respect to the provision of harbour products and services to customers is as follows:

Mooring slip and payment terms:

  1. Mooring slip contracts are sent out in mid-December for the next fiscal year, and for the application to be considered, all contract submissions require a non-refundable deposit, as listed in the town's annual rates and fees, due January 15, and balances for previous year services must be paid.
  2. Once the mooring is assigned by the Harbour staff an invoice will be issued for the total contract less the non-refundable deposit. The balance of the payment is due by March 15 and overdue accounts will be charged a late fee penalty each month, as prescribed in the town's annual rates and fees. Boats will not be launched until full payment has been received.
  3. Application for mooring slips must include an insurance certificate and boat registration, as well as proof of Oakville residency.  Non-residents are required to pay a 10 per cent surcharge.
  4. Any new mooring slip applications will be subject to a non-refundable administration fee, as listed in the town's rates and fees, in addition to payment terms in clause 1 above.

Refund terms for approved mooring slips contracts:

  1. Prior to and including April 30 – Customers will be entitled to a full refund of the mooring contract amount, less any non-refundable deposit, administration fee, infrastructure levy fee, and TOWARF fee plus HST.
  2. After April 30 – Customers will be entitled to a full refund of the mooring contract amount, less any non-refundable deposit, administration fee, infrastructure levy fee, and TOWARF fee plus HST, as well as a “Tenancy” fee (“Tenancy” fee is calculated on the number of days after April 30 until which time the slip is re-leased to a new customer. Tenancy fee (mooring rate multiplied by 1 per cent multiplied by number of days leased plus HST)).
  3. After April 30, refunds will only apply to dockage that is released to a new customer.  If the slip is not released, no refund will be issued.

Pro-rating of docking fees (on or after July 15):

  1. Pro-rating of docking fees will begin on July 15 of each year. At this time, the dock may be released at 40 per cent off the original dock fee.
    Each day thereafter, until September 15, an additional 1 per cent per day reduction will apply.
  2. After September 15, no new seasonal contracts will be entered into. Dockage will only be offered as transient dockage.
  3. Pro-rated mooring fees do not include all other additional fees (i.e. infrastructure levy fee, trailer storage, etc.).

Haul out and storage fees payments:

  1. Applications for haul outs and storage fees will be accepted by the Harbour office on or before September 15, along with a non-refundable deposit, as listed in the town's annual rates and fees. Boats must show proof of insurance with the application.  Invoices for storage will follow less the non-refundable deposit.
  2. Any outstanding balance on the account must be paid prior to haul out or storage.
  3. No refunds will be issued for storage.
  4. Any unpaid amounts for haul out or storage will be charged a late fee penalty each month, as prescribed in the town's annual rates and fees.
  5. Abandoned boats will be collected within the confines of the Repair and Storage Liens Act.

The Town will not perform the services of launching or hauling out boats until full payment has been received for all services. Boats left in the yard or in the water that have unpaid balances will be held until outstanding balances are paid in full.  NSF cheques will be subject to an administrative fee, as prescribed in the town's annual rates and fees. All efforts will be made to collect outstanding balances, including utilizing legal or collection agency services.

Payments will be accepted in accordance with the town's Cash Handling Procedures.

In the event of extreme financial circumstances, the Manager, Parks Operations, or designate, is authorized to negotiate alternative terms of payment, subject to no financial loss to the Town.


The Harbours Supervisor (or designate) shall be responsible for the administration of and ensuring compliance with this procedure.


Harbours By-Law
Harbour Services Policy
Harbour Operations - Change or Transfer of Vessel Procedure
Repair and Storage Liens Act