Corporate Community Assistance Policy

Policy statement

The Corporation of the Town of Oakville (hereinafter referred to as the town) acknowledges and supports the enhancement and preservation of a positive quality of life for its citizens. One means of achieving this goal is the provision of financial assistance through grants, donations, loans, fee assistance or in-kind services to organizations, community groups and individuals for purposes which support the town’s corporate goals and strategy.


This policy has been developed;

  • To assist organizations and community groups which provide beneficial programs, services or programs to the community.  Grant and/or financial assistance programs may be introduced to assist associations and groups to meet the financial obligations associated with the provision of services otherwise provided by the municipality, or with the introduction of new programs or facilities as authorized by Council.
  • To provide financial assistance to individuals or groups with an identifiable need.  Subsidy, fee waiver or other assistance programs may be provided to assist such individuals or groups who would not otherwise have access to municipal programs or facilities.


This policy applies to all grant programs, financial or in-kind assistance approved by Council.   It provides for the basic principles to guide eligibility requirements, the types of funding available; and application approval and monitoring requirements.


Other grant programs and procedures authorized by Council