Policy statement

The Parks & Open Space department, through the Cemeteries & Environmental Services section, is responsible for the operation and maintenance of municipally operated cemeteries, in accordance with the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, Regulations, and Municipal By-Laws that establish rules and regulations for Town of Oakville Cemeteries, and all applicable corporate policies and procedures..


Municipalities are required by the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 and other Provincial Legislation to be responsible for cemeteries by ensuring that adequate space is set aside for such purposes and that municipalities must assume ownership of and responsibility for a cemetery when it is abandoned. The Town of Oakville has a responsibility to provide products and services to meet new and existing legislated obligations for interment or scattering rights holders.

The Parks & Open Space department also plays a significant role in preserving the community’s history and heritage through the ongoing care and maintenance of the cemetery properties, including all markers, as a cultural resource.

The Parks & Open Space department is committed to fulfilling a need within the community, in a compassionate and sensitive manner, for quality cemetery services.


The Parks & Open Space department provides cemetery services which include, but are not limited to: offering available lot spaces; interment, placement, ennichement or scattering of deceased; installation of markers; and, care and maintenance of municipally operated cemetery grounds. These services are provided through the Cemeteries & Environmental Services section.


Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, and Regulations
The Cemeteries By-Law