Related procedures

Policy statement

The Corporation of the Town of Oakville (town) recognizes that the Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) are areas where businesses contribute to enhancements within the BIA’s area boundaries. BIAs provide additional services such as street beautification, branding, and marketing, as well as seasonal improvements. BIAs help strengthen commercial areas and raise the profile of local destinations in town. As such, the town has designated mobile event signs to each BIA to promote events and initiatives within the BIA area. This includes events held by charitable or non-profit organizations.

All BIA event signs shall be consistent with the town’s values and will not compromise or contradict any by-law or policy of the town, or reflect negatively on the town’s integrity or public image. All sponsorship agreements shall be established in a manner that promotes both the town’s and the BIAs interest and results in the optimal balance of benefits to the town and the community.


This policy applies to BIA event signs that have been designated for use by the BIAs within the BIAs area boundaries. 


BIA event signs are provided to promote events and initiatives within the BIAs area boundaries and provides another option available to the BIAs to attract visitors. A consistent and controlled approach to sponsorship arrangements protects the town’s corporate values, interests and image while increasing the opportunity for revenue generation for the BIAs. BIA event signs are not to be used to benefit individual shops or businesses within the BIA area unless the shop or business is sponsoring a community event held in the BIA area.

The purpose of this policy is to:
  • Confirm the town’s interest in supporting the financial sustainability of BIAs and raise the profile of local destinations in town;
  • Create an authorized environment for this practice;
  • Authorize the Director of Municipal Enforcement, or designate, to determine the location of BIA event signs in each BIA area;
  • Establish parameters for use of BIA event signs and criteria for decision making, ensuring adherence to the town’s Sign By-law, Corporate Grants, Sponsorship, Naming Rights and Advertising Sales Policy and other applicable policies and procedures; and
  • Outline responsibilities associated with use of BIA event signs, including use and maintenance requirements.