Patio Permit Application Process

Before starting a patio permit application, all applicants should understand the requirements.

New in 2025: Apply for your patio permit through Online Services

Applications are now open!

Carefully review this page for full information on processes, minimum standards and operational requirements for patios for the 2025 season.

General information about permits can be found on the Patio Permit page.

2025 User Guide

A PDF version of the program details, application process, program guidelines and types of patios.

Download the Seasonal Commercial Patio Program: 2025 User Guide

Program guidelines

Permit fees and parking rental fees (if applicable) are required to apply and participate in the Seasonal Commercial Patio Program. 

Patio type and application fee

  • Bistro patio - $208
  • Sidewalk or boulevard patio with enclosure - $427
  • On-street patio - $427 plus $580 per parking space (including HST)
  • Outdoor merchandising display - $56

New in 2025 

Fees for patios in parking stalls will be $580 (HST included) for the season. An option for a reduction to this fee may be available upon request and will be approved by staff. The reduced parking fee is $148 (HST included) and would be reviewed on a case by case basis for patios where no other placement option is available except a parking stall.

Staff will confirm applicable fees with the applicant. Fees must be paid after the signed patio agreement is uploaded to the portal.

Some patios will be located in a parking space and extend onto the boulevard/sidewalk. In this situation, applicants will be charged the permit fee for an on-street patio.

If you have a valid liquor licence for your establishment and you intend to serve liquor on your patio, you must apply for consideration and approval of a temporary liquor licence extension through the Clerk’s department, which is separate from the patio permit process. 

Once you have received your patio permit, this can be used to apply for your temporary liquor licence extension. Visit the Liquor Licence web page for more information about temporary extensions. 

If you do not have a valid liquor licence please contact the Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) for more information on how to obtain a liquor licence.

Contact Region of Halton Public Health to learn more about requirements when supplying food. 

Patio placement

  • Patio must align with frontage of business.
  • For on-street patios: minimum of one and maximum of two spaces per restaurant and tied to premises frontage length.


  • No encroachment into the pedestrian clearway/clear path of travel is permitted.
  • This includes patio enclosures, décor, furniture, umbrellas, signage, etc.

Street furnishings

  • No removal, blockage or relocation of street furnishings is permitted.
  • This includes bike racks, benches, pay and display machines, etc.

On-street parking space use

  • Maximum of two spaces per business, where space permits and tied to premises frontage length.
  • User fee applied. Cannot use EV charging, accessible, quick stop or loading spaces.


  • Required for all on-street patios.
  • Participants to provide and maintain at own cost.

Safety equipment (such as barriers)

  • May be required in certain instances.



  • The Seasonal Commercial Patio Program runs from May 1 to November 1 each year. Patios must be removed during the off-season. Removal of the patio is the responsibility of the applicant. The applicant/permit holder must not affix, anchor, drill or do anything that damages municipal property/lands when securing platforms, railing, enclosures, furnishings, etc. The location must be returned to its original condition.
  • Alternative enclosures such as stanchions, planter boxes and fence base plates are encouraged.
  • Patio furnishings and materials can not interfere with the visibility of adjacent businesses. 
  • All objects associated with the patio must be contained within the approved patio area and must not interfere with the adjacent pedestrian clear path of travel or vehicle travel lane.
  • Careful attention to storage (after hours) and installation is recommended.

Hours of operation

The patio permit shall not be used earlier than 7 a.m. nor later than 11 p.m. other than for special events where a separate event permit has been issued by the Town of Oakville.

Patio maintenance expectations

The following items are expected by all patio program participants:

  • Patios are to be well maintained and kept in good working order and safe condition
  • Each patio is responsible for maintaining their own furniture and equipment.
  • Each patio is responsible for their own garbage. Town of Oakville garbage receptacles are not to be used for the patios.
  • Patios are to be operated and maintained in accordance with Provincial and Public Health requirements.

Failure to comply with any of these requirements could result in the loss of the patio permit for the season.

Accessibility and clear path of travel

All patios must maintain minimum Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) accessibility requirements that include providing an unobstructed sidewalk clearance zone, known as the ‘clear path of travel’. Specific criteria are highlighted below:

  • Minimum 1.8 metre clear path of travel.
  • Unobstructed access: ensure no obstructions are located within the clear path of travel such as street furniture, tree, signage, bus shelter, garbage receptacle and other physical obstructions.
  • Patios cannot block pedestrian access along a street, walkway connection or entrance.
  • No power cords, cables or wires are be permitted.

The minimum Clear Path of Travel may be further amended during the season should the Province of Ontario alter its AODA recommendations, and the Town of Oakville reserves the right to cancel the patio agreement for any location that is unable to meet the AODA recommendations as amended.


Participants must abide by the town’s Sign By-law

Advertising devices and signage are not permitted on patio railings/enclosures. A-frame signs may be permitted with the appropriate permit issued by the town. 

In all cases, signage should not obstruct the clear path of travel and access to building or patio entrances. Third-party advertisements are not permitted on any furnishings or materials within the patio area.


Umbrellas are encouraged within the patio subject to following criteria: 

  • Must be located within the patio area and not overhang on the roadway or block pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk.
  • Not permitted along street or in any right of way. 
  • Umbrellas must be secured to a substantial anchor/umbrella base. 


Landscaping of patios is encouraged and must be of a temporary design. Landscaping material may include planters, hanging baskets, etc. 

Materials over railings/enclosures must be contained within the patio area and shall not extend into the clear path of travel or roadway.

Noise and lighting

New in 2025 - Moderate levels of outdoor music (max 50 dBA) will be permitted on patios in the Bronte Village, Downtown Oakville and Kerr Village business improvement areas (BIAs) until 10 p.m. daily. 

Patios located within mixed-use and commercial areas outside of the BIAs will be permitted to have moderate levels of outdoor music until 7 p.m. A moderate level of outdoor music is defined as not exceeding 50 dBA at any Point of Reception on a residential property where sound is received.

The only lights permitted on the patio are solar powered lights and such lights shall not be attached to the street furnishings, trees or other municipal property.


In some instances a setback may be required including:

•    A 0.5 metre setback from on-street parking space to allow access.

Sight lines

Patios are not to be located within a driveway or roadway daylight corner measured three metres by three metres from the sidewalk intersection.


Accessible seating is encouraged. Tables should be accessible using mobility aids by having a knee and toe clearance under the table.


For safety and accessibility reasons, a patio must not block any access to a fire department connection, town sewer, gas valve or meter, building entrance (or exit), town street furniture (such as garbage container, public bench, bus shelter, bike rack) or other sidewalk access. 

Patio tables, chairs, and other amenities must not block the clear path of travel or access to building entrances.


Tents and fixed overhead canopies are not permitted as part of the Seasonal Commercial Patio Program.

Heating devices

Portable heating devices may be permitted on outdoor patios provided that town staff have approved the devices prior to installation and use. Heaters may be subject to inspection by the Oakville Fire Department to ensure safety. 

For more information on patio heater safety, please review the TSSA Patio Heater Safety Guidelines and the Patio Heaters Safety Checklist for Restaurant Owners/Operators.

Start a patio permit application

All patio permit applications can be submitted online starting from March 1, 2025.

How to apply

  1. Review all of the information on this page and on the 2025 Patio User Guide (pdf)
  2. Review the application video (coming soon!) for step-by-step instructions on how to apply for your permit online.
  3. New and returning program participants can apply for a 2025 patio permit through Online Services. You will be asked to provide:
    • Your business name, address, and issued Town of Oakville business licence number;
    • Contact information for the applicant (required) and the property owner (optional);
    • The type of patio you are requesting and the length and width of your patio;
    • A plan/drawing of the requested area for the patio, bistro or merchandising display. Include dimensions and other key elements (such as trees, poles, etc.) for context; and
    • A copy of a valid General Liability Insurance Certificate – with a minimum coverage of $2,000,000 and with the Town of Oakville named as additional insured. 

Certificate of General Liability Insurance

  • A copy of commercial general liability insurance coverage in the minimum amount of $2 million and naming the Town of Oakville as an additional insured.
  • Insurance must be non-cancellable by the insurance company with at least 30 days written notice to the town.
  • The coverage must be valid throughout the 2025 commercial patio season.

Plan or drawing

  • A plan or drawing of the proposed area for the patio, bistro or outdoor merchandising display.
  • Include dimensions of the proposed area and dimensions to nearby buildings, light standard, street furniture, curb, etc.
  • Returning patio program participants can include photos of previous installation(s) if there are no proposed changes to your 2025 request. This is not in lieu of a plan or drawing, but will help provide information/context for staff when reviewing your application. 
  1. The applicant will receive a confirmation email that the patio application has been submitted. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact to confirm if your application was successfully submitted.
    • Staff will review the application and identify if there is incomplete information or if additional materials are required. Applicants will be notified by email if there are any updates and can access messages online through
    • Please note, staff may arrange an on-site visit to discuss the proposal and make any necessary modifications in consultation with the applicant. 
    • The applicant can check the status of their patio application on
  2. Once your application is approved, you will receive an email with a patio agreement attached for your review and signature. 
    • The signed patio agreement must be uploaded to
    • The property owner’s signature is not required but is recommended.
    • You will also receive a separate email with an invoice for patio user fees.
  3. To upload the agreement and pay your fees, simply log back into and click on “Sign & Pay”.
  4. Once the signed patio agreement and applicable fees have been received, the applicant will be emailed a final copy of their patio permit.

Approved patios/bistros can operate from May 1, 2025 to November 1, 2025. All patios, bistros and merchandising displays must have a valid Town of Oakville permit prior to installation and operation.