Dredging operation at Oakville Harbour is expected to begin by late February 2025, and be completed by the end of March 2025.
During dredging operations, access to the park site at Shipyard Park will be limited.
The Town of Oakville hereby gives notice that a submission has been added to the Common Project Search online registry pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act described herein and its description.
Pursuant to paragraph 4(1) of the said Act, the Town of Oakville has deposited a notification of a minor work in accordance with the requirements set out on the External Submission Site, on the online Common Project Search Registry and under registry number 12384 a description of the following works:
- Dredging of Oakville Harbour (Reg. No. 12384) located at 97 Forsythe Street, Oakville.
Posted at Oakville February 7, 2025, by the Corporation of the Town of Oakville.