Preserving history: Oakville celebrates latest milestone in heritage property protection

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Heritage Grant application period open until March 17

The Town of Oakville marked a significant milestone in its ongoing efforts to preserve and protect Oakville’s heritage. The town worked closely with heritage property owners to assess and designate valuable heritage properties. 

Since spring 2023, the town assessed approximately 100 heritage properties, resulting in over 80 properties being protected through designation and heritage easements. This brings the total designated properties  — either as standalone entities or as part of the four Heritage Conservation Districts — to nearly 700. Heritage designations include homes, places of worship, schools, cemeteries, parks, industrial buildings and even trees. In the coming months, the town will continue to review additional heritage properties, including those owned by the town. 

Provincial legislative changes as part of Bill 23, known as the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, require undesignated heritage properties to be removed from the Municipal Heritage Register unless they achieve designation by 2027. A designation status helps safeguard historic properties and their features, formally acknowledging their cultural significance. Preserving historic buildings promotes sustainability by reducing demolition waste and maintaining traditional craftsmanship.

At an event held on February 25, 2025, at Town Hall, the town recognized the efforts of partners and property owners for their commitment to heritage conservation. The event brought together members of the Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee, representatives from the Oakville Historical Society, Trafalgar Township Historical Society, and Bronte Historical Society, Town Council, and staff. 

Heritage Grant Program

Designated properties are eligible for financial assistance through heritage grants for restoration work. Since the grant program’s inception in 2014, over $535,000 has been awarded to assist with over 105 conservation projects worth $2.5 million. The 2025 grant application process is open until March 17, 2025, with more details available on the Heritage Grant Program page. 

For more information on heritage conservation efforts, visit the Heritage Planning page.


“Our Heritage Grant program helps safeguard historic properties with cultural significance, ensuring they remain part of Oakville’s story. By designating these properties, we preserve our town’s rich history and unique character. Thank you to our heritage partners and residents for your dedication to keeping Oakville’s heritage alive.”

– Mayor Rob Burton