Oakville is pleased to announce that Town Council adopted the Midtown Oakville Official Plan Amendment (OPA) at last night’s Planning and Development Council meeting. This decision marks a significant step towards making Midtown Oakville a vibrant and livable area for the long-term.
The OPA was developed following comprehensive public consultation with Council, public agencies, landowners, and members of the public over several years. It also responds to comments from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
The OPA updates land use policies for Midtown Oakville in the Livable Oakville Plan (Official Plan) to the year 2051 and beyond. The adopted OPA directs how this area will grow over time and guides future development. It will help ensure the evolution of Midtown Oakville from an under-utilized commercial and employment area to a vibrant, mixed-use, transit supportive complete community.
Key highlights of the adopted Midtown OPA include:
- Height threshold and density management: New development is subject to a height range in the adopted Midtown OPA. Increases to height may be considered in exchange for the provision of community benefits as part of the development permit approval authorized through a Community Planning Permit System (CPPS).
- Community benefits: The new draft Midtown Oakville OPA continues to promote parks and open spaces and offers additional connectivity to the rest of Oakville through pedestrian, cycling, and transit improvements. Through new policies, the OPA also provides direction regarding the provision of community amenities, a broad mix of land use, and options for diverse and affordable housing.
Following Council’s adoption at last night’s meeting, the OPA will be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for its final review and approval. While the OPA is with the Ministry, the town will continue public consultation regarding Midtown policy implementation tools, including the development of a Community Planning Permit By-law.
Visit the Midtown Oakville page for more background information.
“I thank our residents, our professional staff and each Council member for their dedication and commitment so far, because this is not the end of our work together. This is only the beginning of the rest of our work to create the most livable, vibrant and inclusive new community in a protected, major transit station area anywhere in Canada.”
- Mayor Rob Burton