1236 Queens Plate Road
Argo Development Corporation
Z11/24, Ward 4
Thursday, November 28, 2024, at 3 to 4 p.m.
Videoconference broadcast
from Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road
You are invited to provide input as it relates to this application submitted under Section 36 of the Planning Act to remove “H” holding symbols H30 and H32 from Zoning By-law 2014-014 applicable to the lands located on the east side of Merton Road, west of Irene Crescent, north of Charles Cornwall Avenue and south of Edward Leaver Trail.
A “H” holding symbol is a mechanism to ensure that certain conditions are met prior to the development of the lands proceeding in accordance with the approved zoning. If the conditions are met, the town is required to remove the holding symbol upon application by the landowner, by passing a by-law under Section 36 of the Planning Act. Holding Provision Numbers H30 and H32 requires that the following conditions shall first be completed to the satisfaction of the Town of Oakville:
- That sufficient water and wastewater services are available to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Halton and the Town of Oakville.
- A Ministry of Environment acknowledged Record of Site Condition, certified by a Qualified Person as defined in Ontario Regulation 153/04, is provided to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Halton.
- That a detailed noise study conducted by a qualified Professional Engineer shall be provided which demonstrates compliance with Ministry of Environment sound level limits, to the satisfaction of Halton Region and the Town of Oakville.
- That an updated functional servicing report be submitted which provides for potential decommissioning of the existing stormwater management pond and all grading, drainage and SWM and implications on the Region’s future EMS lands be provided to the satisfaction of Halton Region, Conservation Halton and the Town of Oakville.
- The required noise walls associated with the noise impacts from the Region’s Woodlands Operations Centre and Public Works Yard have been designed, located and installed to the satisfaction of Halton Region.
- That an updated functional servicing report be submitted which confirms the lands are not required for stormwater management, to the satisfaction of Halton Region, Conservation Halton and the Town of Oakville.
The Acting Commissioner of Community Development, or their designate, will be deciding on the application to remove the holding provisions on Thursday, November 28, 2024, at 3 p.m.
Although there are no third-party rights of appeal on the removal of the holding symbol, you are entitled to notice and may make written submissions before the by-law is passed. Any submission should be forwarded to the Acting Commissioner c/o the Town Clerk at the Town of Oakville, Clerk’s department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6H 0H3 (Dropbox is located in front of Town Hall) or at townclerk@oakville.ca. Written submissions should be submitted no later than noon on Thursday, November 28, 2024.
All submissions should include the full name and address of the author.
If you wish to be notified of the decision on this matter, you must make a written request to the Town Clerk at the Town of Oakville, Clerk’s department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6H 0H3 or at townclerk@oakville.ca.
For more information about this matter, contact Colin Westerhof, Planner, Planning and Development department at 905-845-6601, ext. 3045 (TTY 905-338-4200) or at colin.westerhof@oakville.ca.
The personal information accompanying your submission is being collected under the authority of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, and may form part of the public record which may be released to the public.
Dated at the Town of Oakville November 13, 2024.