Notice of intention to designate 176 Douglas Avenue

Friday, September 27, 2024

On September 24, 2024, Oakville Town Council resolved to pass a Notice of Intention to Designate the following property under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18, as amended, as a property of cultural heritage value and interest:

McNiel House
176 Douglas Avenue 
Lot 113, Plan 113; Town of Oakville

Description of property

The property at 176 Douglas Avenue is located on the west side of Douglas Avenue between Sumner Avenue and Palmer Avenue in the Brantwood neighbourhood. The property contains a two-and-a-half storey brick house known as the McNiel House.

Statement of cultural heritage value or interest

Design and physical value

The McNiel House has design and physical value as a representative example of an Edwardian Classicism style house. This style emerged in the early 1900s as a reaction against busy Victorian architecture and emphasized simplified, balanced, and formal composition. The home was built between 1912 and 1913, with characteristics of Edwardian Classicism architecture such as: the massing and form of the two-and-a-half-storey hipped roofed building with asymmetrical façade; red brick cladding and brick chimneys; wide front porch with wooden columns, brick piers and wooden railings; the fenestration of windows and front door on the north, east, and south elevations, including the bay window on the south elevation and the Palladian window on the east elevation dormer. The house retains most of its original features and is an excellent representative example of the style.

Historical and associative value

The McNiel House property has cultural heritage value for its direct associations with the theme of the development of the local residential area known as ‘Brantwood’, an early 20th century subdivision of Oakville. The Edwardian era character of the house has contributed to the neighbourhood’s character over the last 100 years. Its presence contributes to the story of Oakville’s early 20th century residential development that was defined by large lots with well-designed homes built by well-to-do families. 

Contextual value

The McNeil House has cultural heritage value because it is important in defining and supporting the character of the area and helps to define and reflect the history and origins of this important subdivision known as Brantwood. The property is physically, functionally, visually, and historically linked to its surroundings. The house stands on a corner lot and is prominent in the neighbourhood. As one of the earliest buildings in Brantwood, it is linked to the origins of the Brantwood subdivision and its development and subsequent influence on Oakville as a whole. Early homes in the neighbourhood like this one are key anchor points to Brantwood as they define and reflect the early 20th century origins of this important subdivision.

Description of heritage attributes

Key attributes of the property at 176 Douglas Avenue that exemplify its cultural heritage value as a house built in the Edwardian Classicism style, as they relate to the north, east, south, and west elevations of the original two-and-a-half storey house, include: 

  • The massing and square form of the two-and-a-half-storey hipped roofed building with hipped roof dormers, wide front porch and bay window on south elevation;
  • Brick cladding and brick chimneys; 
  • Wide front porch with round wooden tapered columns, brick piers, wooden pickets and railings and wooden beams;
  • Fenestration of windows and doors on the north, east, and south elevations;
  • The presence of one-pane and one-over-one windows in the Edwardian Classicism style and the presence of a Palladian style window in the east dormer; and
  • The presence of wooden panelled and glazed doors in the Edwardian Classicism style on the north and east elevations.

Any objection to this designation must be filed no later than October 28, 2024.  Objections must be directed to the Town Clerk at or 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6H 0H3. The objection must include the reasons for the objection and all relevant facts.

Further information respecting this proposed designation is available from the Town of Oakville. Any inquiries may be directed to Carolyn Van Sligtenhorst, Supervisor of Heritage Conservation at 905-845-6601, ext.3875 (TTY 905-338-4200), or by email at

Issued at the Town of Oakville on September 27, 2024.