Oakville residents invited to learn more about coyotes at online information session on March 19

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Learn about seasonal milestones for coyotes and get tips on how to respond to coyote sightings at the online Coyote Information Session next month. The Town of Oakville is hosting the virtual meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 to provide residents with a better understanding of coyotes and how to coexist and reduce coyote conflicts. Learn about humane hazing (aversion conditioning) how to discourage coyotes from entering your property, how to keep your pets safe and resources that are available. Residents will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

Event details


Tuesday, March 19, 2024
6 to 7 p.m.


Please pre-register for the online meeting by visiting the Coyotes page at oakville.ca. Once registration is complete, you will receive an email providing you with the link to join the meeting following your registration. To follow along without participating, watch our live stream on YouTube. If you have questions, please submit them when you pre-register or by emailing enforcement@oakville.ca by March 18 at 4 p.m.


  • Town staff
  • Representative from Oakville & Milton Humane Society
  • Representative from Coyote Watch Canada


  • The Town of Oakville hosts an online Coyote Information Session every year in March. 
  • Coyotes are found in every urban centre in North America. Many people think it is unusual to see coyotes on a town road or sidewalk, however it’s actually very common. Much like foxes, squirrels, raccoons and other animals, they have found a permanent home in urban areas.
  • Late January to mid-February is mating season. Spring is pupping season. Coyotes tend to be more visible during this time looking for a potential mate and den site. 
  • Coyotes are not considered to be a significant risk to people, but seeing one on your property or while out for a walk can be unnerving. There are steps people can take to avoid conflicts with coyotes.
  • The town has a coyote management program in place which includes public education. When people are all more knowledgeable of our wildlife and act responsibly and respectfully, it is easier to coexist. 
  • Check out this short video for tips on how to coexist and reduce conflict.
  • Learn more by visiting the Coyotes page.