Notice of intention to pass amending by-law to remove a holding provision of registered plan 20M-1223 of part of lots 28, 29, and 30 Concession 2, SDS, Town of Oakville Bronte Road submitted by Bronte Green Corporation

Friday, May 21, 2021

Notice of Intention to Pass Amending By-law to

Monday, June 7, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.

The applicant proposes to lift the “H33” Holding Provision to permit the construction of 36 detached dwellings. The purpose of the holding provision was to ensure that noise attenuation measures were constructed in advance of the construction of the new dwellings in proximity to the Region of Halton Woodlands Operations Centre and Public Works Yard located at 1151 Bronte Road and conditions were provided as follows:

a) That the Owner’s acoustical engineer shall prepare further technical details in co-operation with the Region of Halton for the implementation of the  necessary noise control measures to reduce the acoustic emissions of the two existing generator sets located within the former Police Services Building in the Halton Regional Centre, at the cost of the Developer and to the satisfaction of the Region in order to comply with the sound level limits provided in MOECC noise guidelines and NPC-300 at the residential lots.

b) The required noise walls associated with the noise impacts from the Region’s Woodlands Operations Centre and Public Works Yard have been designed, located and installed to the satisfaction of Halton Region.”

The area affected by the “H33” Holding Provision is in the vicinity of Queens Plate Road, Stag Hollow, Irene Crescent and Charles Cornwall Avenue, as shown on the attached map.

The removal of the “H” Holding Provision is a mechanism to ensure that the above condition is fulfilled prior to the development of the lands in accordance with the approved Zoning, and as such, there are no third party rights of appeal on the removal of the Holding provision.

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Town of Oakville with respect to this matter, you must make a written request to the Town Clerk at the Town of Oakville, Clerk’s department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6H 0H3 (Dropbox is located in front of Town Hall) or at

This meeting will be Live Streamed on YouTube.

Any submission to the Planning and Development Council, either in hard copy or in electronic format, must be forwarded to the Clerk’s department for receipt no later than noon on May 10, 2021, to ensure its availability to the Members of Council at the meeting. Individuals wishing to make an oral submission at the meeting must contact the Clerk’s Department prior to the meeting to register as a delegation and to obtain instructions on how to participate in the meeting. Requests must be made no later than noon May 10, 2021 by email to: or call 905-815-6015. Requests to delegate will not be processed during the meeting.

For more information about this matter contact Kate Cockburn, Senior Planner, Planning Services department at 905-845-6601, ext. 3124 (TTY 905-338-4200) or at

If you have any accessibility needs, please advise Kate Cockburn one week before the meeting.

The personal information accompanying your submission is being collected under the authority of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, and may form part of the public record which may be released to the public.

Dated at the Town of Oakville Friday, May 21, 2021.