The Committee of Adjustment (COA) is an independent decision-making group made up of citizens, appointed by Town Council under the authority of the Planning Act of Ontario, to make decisions regarding requests for variances from any of the town’s zoning by-laws.
Town Council is not involved in the decision making process or the decision of this committee.
The committee meets to consider applications for minor variances from the zoning by-law, applications for land division (consent to sever land), and any other variances specified by council that implement the official plan.
Delegations and presentations to the Committee of Adjustment
To register to speak prior to the hearing, please email
The committee consider applications for minor variances from the zoning by-law, applications for land division (consent to sever land).
Applications to the Committee of Adjustment are processed in accordance with the requirements of Sections 45 and 53 of the Planning Act, applicable regulations (O.Reg. 200/96 and 197/96 as amended), the Statutory Powers Procedures Act and applicable town policies.
The committee is authorized by the Planning Act to consider applications for:
- Minor variances from the provisions of the zoning by-law
- Extensions, enlargements or variations of existing legal non-conforming uses under the zoning by-law
- Land division (severing a new lot from an existing lot, adding land to an existing lot, easements, mortgages or leases in excess of 21 years)
- Determining whether a particular use conforms with the provisions of the zoning by-law where the uses of land, buildings or structures permitted in the by-law are defined in general terms
The zoning by-laws regulate how land and buildings are used and where buildings and structures can be located. The zoning by-law also specifies lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and other provisions necessary to ensure proper and orderly development.
When a proposal does not comply with the provisions of the zoning by-law, an owner may make application to the Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance. A minor variance provides relief from a specific zoning by-law requirement, excusing a property owner from meeting the exact requirements of the by-law.
Minor variance requests from the zoning by-law may include such things as:
- Changing how close a building is to a property line
- Increasing a building height
- Reducing the number of required parking spaces in a commercial development
The committee must ensure that the variances, if approved, satisfy the following:
- Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the official plan?
- Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the zoning by-law?
- Is the variance desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land?
- Is the variance minor?
Normally, new lots are created through approval of an application for a plan of subdivision. When only one or two new lots would be created and no new road is required, a full subdivision application may not be necessary. In this case, an application for consent to sever may be appropriate.
In evaluating applications for consent, the committee must consider:
- Conformity with the lot creation policies of the official plan(s)
- The availability of access to and frontage on a municipal road
- The appropriateness of the size and configuration of the proposed lot for the land use
- The adequacy of water and wastewater services
- The location and characteristics of the property
- The conservation and protection of natural resources and farmland
- The impact upon the current and future use of surrounding properties
Application forms and related documents
Application forms
Related documents
All Committee of Adjustment decisions will be posted on the Agendas and Meetings page.
During the specified appeal period (20 days from the date of oral decision for minor variance), an appeal can be made by the applicant/agent, specified person or public body to the Ontario Land Tribunal. Forms required to file an appeal are available on the Ontario Land Tribunal site.
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905-845-6601, ext. 1829