Since March 1, 2019, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires municipalities to make a registry of declarations of interest available for public inspection.
Declarations, by year
Councillor Jeff Knoll - February 24, 2025
Town Council Meeting, 8.2(3), Budgets for BIAs
Councillor Knoll declared a pecuniary interest related to the Budgets for BIAs, as he is an officer and director of a corporation that is a member of the Kerr Village BIA.
Councillor Tom Adams - January 20, 2025
Planning and Development Council Meeting, Item 8.1, Confidential OLT Appeals - Palermo (January 2025)
Councillor Adams declared a pecuniary interest related to the Confidential OLT Appeals - Palermo, as he has a family member employed by a company referenced in the report.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - December 5, 2024
Special Council Meeting, Item 5.1, The Mayor's Proposed 2025 Operating and Capital Budget to Create Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability in a Vibrant and Livable Community for All
Councillor Knoll declared a pecuniary interest related to the Kerr Street BIA Budget allocations, as his company is a member of the BIA and any decisions made could impact his business therefore he will not be voting on anything related to the Kerr Street BIA.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - November 28, 2024
Budget Committee Meeting, Item 5.1, 2025 Budget Committee Recommendations to the Mayor
Councillor Knoll declared a pecuniary interest related to the Kerr Street BIA Budget allocations, as his company is a member of the BIA and any decisions made could impact his business therefore he will not be voting on anything related to the Kerr Street BIA.
Member Michael Telawski - May 29, 2024
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.6 (minor variance) - CAV A/088/2024-3280 South Service Road West
Applicant is a business partner of Mr. Telawski's employer.
Councillor Jonathan McNeice - May 6, 2024
Planning & Development meeting, Item 7.1, 2024 Heritage Grant Program Recommendations
Councillor McNeice and his wife applied for the 2024 Heritage Grant as our primary residence has a Part IV heritage designation. They have a financial interest in regard to the grant funds disbursement this year. The Councillor has declared the conflict at Heritage Committee and notified the Integrity Commissioner as well.
Member Lyndsy You - April 3, 2024
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.2 - CAV A/055/2024
The property, 1126 Westview Terrace, is about 200 meters away from my property. There is potential for the conflicting interests for me to act as a committee member to make the decision on the minor variance within this property.
Councillor Jonathan McNeice - March 26, 2024
Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee, Item 4.3, Heritage Grant Evaluation working Group
Councillor McNeice and his wife have applied for the Heritage Grant this year for their primary residence, which has a Part IV heritage designation.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - March 25, 2024
Council Meeting, Item 11.2, OLT Appeal - Kerr Street OPA
Shareholder/director/officer of Film.Ca Cinemas Inc. and Film.Ca Productions Inc., tenants of the entirety of the land and buildings at 171 Speers Road; a property that is impacted by the appeal and the OPA. My companies are not parties to the OPA or the appeal but the outcome could have a pecuniary impact on my businesses I am declaring a Pecuniary interest accordingly.
Member Stuart Dickie - March 6, 2024
Committee of Adjustment, Items 6.7 to 6.11 - CAV A/040/2024, 041/2024, 042/2024, 043/2024, and 044/2024
Mr. Dickie's relative works for the owner of the properties at 1210 Poppy Gardens, and Granary Street blocks 34 to 37, M1268.
Councillor Tom Adams - March 4, 2024
Planning and Development Council, Item 6.2, Statutory Public Meeting - Town initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments - Four Dwelling Units per Property and Sheridan College Housing Area (File No 42.15.62 and 42.15.63).
Councillor Adams' home is on a street that was referred to in the correspondence received regarding the application of the Sheridan College Housing Area.
Councillor Janet Haslett-Theall - February 26, 2024
Council Meeting, Item 11.1 Judicial Review Application Ontario Superior Court - Appeal Committee Decision - 277 Lakeshore Road East - Three Fascia Signs RAR Litigation
Councillor Haslett-Theall declared a pecuniary interest with respect to confidential item 11.1 as she provided preliminary information on a by-law to interested parties prior to the Appeals Committee meeting on this matter.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - February 26, 2024
Council Meeting, Item 8.1 (3) - 2024 Budgets for Business Improvement Areas
Councillor Jeff Knoll is director/shareholder and officer of a corporation that is situated within the Kerr Village BIA catchment area and as such could benefit from the outcome of the approval of a budget of the BIA.
Member Michael Telawski - January 24, 2024
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.5 to 7.6 (minor variance) - CAV A-005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015 and 016 - 2024
Applicant is a related business to a partner company of Mr. Telawski's employer.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - October 31, 2023
Budget Committee, Item 5.1 - 2024 Operating and Capital Budget Delegations
Councillor Knoll is the CEO of a corporation that occupies space in the Kerr Village BIA and a member,
Councillor Jeff Knoll - October 23, 2023
Council Meeting, Item 10.3 - Film Pilot: Reduced Period for Noise Exemption
Councillor Knoll owns a local business that could stand to benefit from more films being filmed locally.
Member Michael Telawski - Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.9 (minor variance) - CAV A/023/2023; 280 Douglas Avenue-Revised
Reconfirmation of conflict originally declared on March 8, 2023. Mr. Telawski's work colleague owns an abutting property to the applicant.
Councillor Sean O'Meara - Monday, September 11, 2023
Planning and Development Council, Item 6.2 - Public Meeting Report, Official Plan Amendment and By-law Amendment for 590 Argus Road
Councillor O'Meara's wife's place of employment will be impacted by these development applications.
Member Michael Telawski - Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.4 (minor variance) - CAV A/103/2023; 1361 Dundas Street West
The applicant is an affiliated company of Mr. Telawski's employer.
Councillor Tom Adams - Monday, June 12, 2023
Planning and Development Council, Item 6.2 – Public Meeting and Recommendation Report, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, bcIMC Realty Corp., File No.: Z.1333.01 and 24T-11001, By-law 2023-014
A family member of Councillor Adams is employed at an adjacent site.
Member Kerry Colborne - Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee, Item 4.6 – Heritage Grant Program Recommendations 2023
Member Colborne applied for and received a heritage grant.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Monday, March 27, 2023
Council Meeting, Item 7.5 - 2023 Budgets for Business Improvement Areas.
Councillor Knoll is the CEO, a director, and shareholder of Film.Ca, Cinemas Inc., and Film.Ca Productions Inc., the sole tenants at 171 Speers Road, a property that is subject of this matter before Council.
Member Michael Telawski - Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.7 - CAV A/023/2023; 280 Douglas Avenue
Mr. Telawski's work colleague owns an abutting property to the applicant.
Member Michael Telawski - Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.2 - CAV A/018/2023; 249 Elton Park Road
The applicant is a relative of Mr. Telawski's employer.
Councillor Ray Chisholm - Monday, March 6, 2023
Planning and Development Council, Item 6.2 - Public Meeting Report - Roseville Properties Inc., 106-114 Robinson Street and 71 Water Street, File number Z.1714.28
Councillor Chisholm is a member of the Oakville Club and past President.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Monday, February 27, 2023
Council, Item 9.2 - Confidential - OLT Appeal - Oakville Developments (2010) Ltd et al (Upper Kerr Village OPA) (February 27, 2023)
Councillor Knoll is the CEO, a Director, and shareholder of Film.Ca, Cinemas Inc., and Film.Ca Productions Inc., the sole tenants at 171 Speers Road, a property that is subject of this matter before Council.
Councillor Sean O'Meara - Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Special Planning and Development Council, Item 6.2 - Public Meeting Report, Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision, Oakville Argus Cross LP., File Numbers OPA 1614.78, ZBA 1614.78, and 24T-22005/1614 - 217 and 227 Cross Avenue and 571, 581 and 587-595 Argus Road, and; Item 6.3 - Public Meeting Report, Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision, 166 South Service Road Inc., File Numbers OPA.1614.79, ZBA 1614.79, and 24T-22006/1614 – 166 South Service Road
Councillor O'Meara's wife is employed at a property that will be impacted by decisions made at the recommendation meetings for the above agenda items.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.7 - CAV A/208/2022; 309 Balsam Drive
Mr. Telawski has a business relationship with the applicant.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Monday, December 5, 2022
Planning and Development Council, Item 7.1 - Recommendation Report, Official Plan Amendment, April Investments Limited, 527079 Ontario Limited, Trans County Development Corporation Limited, and Oakville Developments (2010) Inc., 560-584, 550, 530 Kerr Street and 131, 171 Speers Road, File No. OPA. 1
Councillor Knoll is the CEO and shareholder of, Cinemas, Inc., and Productions Inc., a tenant of land at 171 Speers Road, a subject property that is part of the Official Plan Amendment being considered.
John Hardcastle - Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.8 CAV A/171/2022; 470 Winston Churchill Boulevard
Mr. Hardcastle's employer, Region of Peel, is responsible for road occupancy or access permits including grading and stormwater for lands fronting Winston Churchill through the Halton-Peel Boundary Roads Agreement. Mr. Hardcastle's department is responsible for implementation through all forms of Planning Act applications.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.11 - CAV A/171/2022; 420 Threshing Mill Boulevard
Mr. Telawski's company developed the subject lands and sold them to the applicant.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.4 - CAV A/164/2022; 509 Dundas Street West
Mr. Telawski's company developed the subject lands and sold them to the applicant.
Councillor Peter Longo - Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Council, Item 9.1 - Community Energy Strategy Implementation Update
Councillor Longo is currently on the Board of Directors of Future Energy Oakville (FEO). As a result, he will not participate in Item 9.1 - Community Energy Strategy Implementation Update.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Planning and Development Council, Confidential Item 5.4 - OLT Hearing -550 Kerr Street, OLT-22-002506 (September 6, 2022) and Item 7.3 - Recommendation Report, Official Plan Amendment, April Investments Limited, 527079 Ontario Ltd, Trans County Development Corporation Limited, and Oakville Developments (2010) Inc., 560-584, 550, 530 Kerr Street and 131, 171 Speers Road, File No. OPA. 1
Councillor Knoll is the CEO and shareholder of the companies that rent land and buildings at 171 Speers Road, which is a property that is part of the proposed OPA in Item 7.3.
John Hardcastle - Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.12 CAV A/130/2022; 470 Winston Churchill Boulevard
Mr. Hardcastle's employer, Region of Peel, is responsible for approvals of access, grading stormwater for lands fronting Winston Churchill through the Halton-Peel Boundary Road Agreement. Mr. Hardcastle's department is responsible for implementation of requirements through all forms of Planning Act applications.
Ian Flemington - Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.9 CAV A/120/2022; 3518 Wyecroft Road
There is a conflict due to the relationship of the applicant to Mr. Flemington's employer.
Ian Flemington - Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.10 CAV A/094/2022; 469, 499, 529, 549 Great Lakes Blvd
There is a conflict due to the relationship of the applicant to Mr. Flemington's employer.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.9 - CAV A/120/2022; 3518 Wyecroft Road
Mr. Telawski's company has a business relationship with the applicant.
Councillor Jasvinder Sandhu - Monday, April 25, 2022
Council, Item 8.1 - 7-Eleven Liquor License - 2267 Lakeshore Road West
Perception of a potential conflict with regard to the parties mentioned in the confidential report.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.8 - CAV A-048-2022
Subject lands are immediately adjacent to one of Mr. Telawski's company's current high-rise projects.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Special Planning & Development Council, Item 6.2 - Public Meeting Report, Official Plan Amendment, April Investments Ltd., 527079 Ontario Ltd., Trans County Development Corporation Ltd., and Oakville Developments (2010) Inc., 560-584, 550, 530 Kerr Street and 131, 171 Speers Road, File No. OPA. 1616.56
Councillor Knoll is the shareholder and director of two corporations which lease the entirety of the property at 171 Speers Road which is one of the properties listed and impacted by the subject proposal.
Judy Murray - Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.7 - CAV A/178/2021; 2480 Capilano Crescent
Committee member, Judy Murray, is a neighbour of the property that is the subject of the minor variance.
Councillor Peter Longo - Monday, November 1, 2021
Planning & Development, Item 7.1 - Recommendation Report - Town-initiated Official Plan Amendment - Bronte GO Major Transit Station Area (File No. 42.15.58) - By-law 2021-128 - November 1, 2021
Councillor Longo's employer, Mohawk Medbuy Corporation, has a joint venture leased warehouse at the property located at 2189 Speers Road, (Hospitals Logistics Inc.).
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Monday, October 4, 2021
Planning & Development Council, Item 5.1 - Update - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - 550 Kerr Street
Councillor Knoll is the CEO of Cinemas, which is the tenant next door to the subject property (171 Speers Rd). The decision could impact business.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Committee of Adjustment, CAV A-142-2021
The applicant is a relative of a related company's Principal.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6.1 CAV A/090/2021
Mr. Telawski's company has a number of business ventures with the principals of the applicant.
Ian Flemington - Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Committee of Adjustment, 6.4 CAV A/090/2021
A perceived interest that a client Mr. Flemington's company represents would benefit based on a certain outcome.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Committee of Adjustment, CAV A/090/2021
Mr. Telawski's company has a number of business ventures with the principals of the applicant.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Thursday, May 13, 2021
Special Council, Item 3.1: Project V Pictures Ltd. Film Request
Councillor Knoll is the primary shareholder and CEO for the business location that the production company is using for this request.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Committee of Adjustment, CAV A/059/2021
Mr. Telawski previously managed municipal approvals, including zoning for this lot.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Committee of Adjustment, CAV A/039/2021
Mr. Telawski previously managed municipal approvals, including zoning for this lot.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Committee of Adjustment, CAV A/038/2021
Mr. Telawski previously managed municipal approvals, including zoning for this lot.
Councillor Cathy Duddeck - Monday, March 8, 2021
Planning and Council, Item No. 7 - Recommendation Report, Zoning By-law Amendement, St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca Street, File No.: Z.1619.22, By-law 2021-023
Councillor Duddeck is a congregational meeting of St. Paul's United Church in Oakville.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Monday, February 22, 2021
Council, Item 2: 2021 Budget for BIA's
Councillor Knoll's company is a part of the Kerr Village Business Improvement Area.
Ian Flemington - Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, 2323 and 2351 Winston Park Drive – B20/10 (1402); B20/11 (1402); CAV A/112/2020
Mr. Flemington works for a company that owns competitive buildings within the business park.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Minor Variance Agenda 6 CAV A/123/2020
Mr. Telawski previously managed the approvals for the subdivision containing the subject lot.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Committee Of Adjustment, Consent Item 8 - CAVA/094/2020, Consent Item 9 - CAVA/095/2020, Consent Item 10 - CAVA/096/2020, Consent Item
Mr. Telawski manages approvals of subject subdivision and has business relationship with the applicant.
Ian Flemington - September 29, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Consent Items B20/07 1610, B20/08 1610
Mr. Flemington has interest in properties on Bristol Circle.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Consent Item 10 - CAV A/079/2020
Mr. Telawski manages approvals of subject subdivision and has business relationship with the applicant.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Consent Item 9 - CAV A/078/2020
Mr. Telawski manages approvals of subject subdivision and has business relationship with the applicant.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Consent Item 8 - CAV A/077/2020
Mr. Telawski manages approvals of subject subdivision and has business relationship with the applicant.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Consent Item 7 - CAV A/076/2020
Mr. Telawski manages approvals of subject subdivision and has business relationship with the applicant.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Consent Item 4 - CAV A/073/2020
Mr. Telawski manages approvals of subject subdivision and has business relationship with the applicant.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Consent Item 3 - CAV A/072/2020
Mr. Telawski manages approvals of subject subdivision and has business relationship with the applicant.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Consent Item 2 - CAV A/071/2020
Mr. Telawski manages approvals of subject subdivision and has business relationship with the applicant.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Monday, July 6, 2020
Planning & Development Committee, Item 3 - Recommendation Report, Zoning By-law Amendment, Oakville Developments (2010) Inc., 550 Kerr Street, File No. Z.1616.55
Councillor Knoll is the CEO of Film.Ca Cinemas which is the tenant next door to the subject property at 171 Speers Road, and the decision made could have a direct impact on his business.
Councillor Cathy Duddeck - Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Planning and Development Council, Zoning By-law Amendment, St. Paul's United Church
Councillor Duddeck declared pecuniary interest as she is a congregational member of St. Paul's United Church.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Monday, May 25, 2020
Council, 2020 Budgets for Business Improvement Areas
Councillor Knoll declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 3 as he is the CEO and shareholder of a corporation that, by way of it's location, is a member of the Kerr Village BIA.
Councillor Ray Chisholm - Monday, February 10, 2020
Planning and Development Council, Notice of Intention to Designate - Oakville Harbour Cultural Heritage Landscape Report from Planning Services Department, January 29, 2020
Councillor Chisholm declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 10 - Notice of Intention to Designate - Oakville Harbour Cultural Heritage Landscape, as he is a member of the Oakville Club.
Kerry Colborne - Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee, 2019 Heritage Grant Program Report from Planning Services Department, May 1, 2019
Kerry Colborne declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 6c - 2019 Heritage Grant Program, as her heritage property received a grant through the Heritage Grant Program.
John Hardcastle - Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Consent item 5 - B19/10 (1501) & CAV A/022/2020 - 2481 and 2529 Royal Windsor Drive
Mr. Hardcastle is employed by Peel Region, a public agency with responsibility for access control (through agreement with Halton Region) for lands fronting Winston Churchill Boulevard.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Item 5 - CAV A/025/2020 - Foxcotte Village Estates
Applicant is a related company to my employer.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Item 6 - CAV A/026/2020 - Foxcotte Village Estates
Applicant is a related company to my employer.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Committee of Adjustment, Item 4 - CAV A/004/2020 - 1435 Cornwall Road - Building C
Applicant and employer have a business relationship.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Administrative Services Committee, 2019 Budgets for Business Improvement Areas Report from Finance Department
Councillor Knoll declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 4 – 2019 Budgets for Business Improvement Areas, as he is the shareholder, Director, and CEO of a corporation that is a member of the Kerr Village Business Improvement Area (BIA).
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Monday, September 16, 2019
Administrative Services Committee, Amendment to Encroachment Agreement with Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre in Windfield Parkette Report from Legal Department, August 21, 2019
Councillor Knoll declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 4 - Amendment to Encroachment Agreement with Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre in Windfield Parkette as his wife is the Executive Director of the Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Monday, September 23, 2019
Council, Amendment to Encroachment Agreement with Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre in Windfield Parkette Report from Legal Department, August 21, 2019
Councillor Knoll declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 4 - Amendment to Encroachment Agreement with Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre in Windfield Parkette, of the Administrative Services Committee meeting of September 16, 2019, as his wife is the Executive Director of the Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre.
Councillor Jeff Knoll - Monday, November 4, 2019
Planning and Development Council, Public Meeting Report, Zoning By-law Amendment, Oakville Developments (2010) Inc., 550 Kerr Street, File No. Z.1616.55 Report from Planning Services Department, October 11, 2019
Councillor Knoll declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 4 – Public Meeting Report, Zoning By-law Amendment, Oakville Developments (2010) Inc., 550 Kerr Street, File No. Z.1616.55, as he is the CEO of a business that occupies land at 171 Speers Road.
Councillor Sean O'Meara - Monday, April 15, 2019
Council, Public Meeting Report - Zoning By-law Amendment for 240 Leighland Avenue (Petsmart) - Z.1513.29
Councillor O’Meara declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 1 - Public Meeting Report - Zoning By-law Amendment for 240 Leighland Avenue (Petsmart) - Z.1513.29Item, as his spouse works for a veterinarian hospital offering competing services.
Councillor Sean O'Meara - Monday, May 13, 2019
Planning and Development Council, Recommendation Report - Zoning By-law Amendment for 240 Leighland Avenue (Petsmart) - Z.1513.29 - By-law 2019-020.
Councillor O’Meara declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 8 - Recommendation Report - Zoning By-law Amendment for 240 Leighland Avenue (Petsmart) - Z.1513.29 - By-law 2019-020, as his spouse works in the industry and may have competing interests.
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Committee of Adjustment, Item 4 - CAV A/064/2019 -1435 Cornwall Rd, Building C
Applicant, Melrose Investments, has a direct business relationship with my employer
Michael Telawski - Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Committee of Adjustment, Item 4 - CAV A/068/2019 - 509 Dundas Street West
Applicant is a related company to mine.
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